About the author:
Rymsha О. V., Nazarchuk H. H., Nazarchuk O. A., Shchepina N. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Knowledge of microbiology is very important for students, as their readiness for future medical activity depends on their knowledge. Ensuring the formation of an integrated system of knowledge, proficiency and practical skills necessary for the preparation of highly qualified specialists is the goal of the work. The described examples of teaching certain topics correspond to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, which states that the main task for universities, academies and institutes is the implementation of scientific activity by conducting research and ensuring the creative activity of participants in the educational process, training of highly qualified scientific personnel and using the received results in the educational process. The introduction of the main provisions of the Bologna process provides, along with general decisions and recommendations, the formation of its own educational environment, a culture of educational organization, a culture of quality training of future specialists. Training future medical specialists in modern conditions of reforming the healthcare system of Ukraine requires obtaining theoretical knowledge in parallel with practical skills in the context of unified educational, scientific and medical complexes. The main forms of organization of the educational process at the department are lectures, practical classes, independent work of students and their participation in the scientific work of the department, as non-classroom work. The most pressing problems of modern medicine should be included in the educational process of physician training. Among them – antibiotic resistance of microbial pathogens and methods of its overcoming, nosocomial infection, vaccination – as a method of effective prevention of infectious diseases. The staff of the department developed and implemented antiseptic drugs from the group of Quaternary ammonium compounds based on decamethoxin. One of the mechanisms for the implementation of the antimicrobial effect of decamethoxin is the inhibition of dehydrogenase activity, which affects the transport of ions across biological membranes, inhibits the synthesis of peptidoglycans, disrupts energy metabolism of bacteria. Decamethoxin is a highly effective drug in the fight against inflammatory diseases. Its antimicrobial properties were determined on microorganisms belonging to 7 families and 16 genera. In fields of medicine such as pulmonology, gynecology, urology, gastroenterology, traumatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, dermatology, surgery, oncology, combustiology, dentistry preparations based on decamethoxin are used for prophylaxis and treatment of infectious diseases with great success. Students should have a base of fundamental knowledge and practical skills, as well as confidently navigate the current problems of medicine. Thus, the practical use of interdisciplinary connections reveals new aspects in the formation and assimilation of the base of professional knowledge and skills, promotes the formation of clinical thinking in a holistic system of medical practice on the basis of a wide integration of different disciplines. Conclusion. The knowledge acquired by students in the study of microbiology in the system of training physicians is an important component of the competence of students and basic for clinical disciplines, forming a holistic system of knowledge. The prospects for further research are foreseen in the improvement of the methods of organizing the educational and pedagogical process in the system of training of the specialist of the European level.
educational process, microbiology, interdisciplinary integration, knowledge
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 202-204 pages, index UDK 579:378.147