About the author:
Hnatjuk M. S., Konovalenko S. O., Tatarchuk L. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
It is known that the arterial bed plays an important role in the complete blood supply of the organs and their functioning. It should be noted that the structural changes of the arteries of the testis when exposed to the body of cadmium chloride have not been investigated. The purpose of the researchmorphometrically study the peculiarities of remodeling of the arteries of the testes when exposed to cadmium chloride. Object and methods. The morphometrically examined the arteries of the testis of 60 rats, which were divided into 2 groups. The first group consisted of 30 intact animals, the 2consisted of 30 rats, who were administered subcutaneus with cadmium chloride at a dose of 6 mg/kg. Euthanasia the animals was performed by bloodletting under thiopental anesthesia a month after the start of the experiment. From the testes were made histological micropreparations. On histological micropreparations measured the diameter of the external and internal of arterial vessels, thickness of media, Kernogan’s index, the height of endothelial cells, diameter their nuclei, nuclear-cytoplasmic relation in these cells, relative volumes of damaged cells. Quantitative indicators were processed statistically. Results and discussion. It was found that, under simulated pathology, the external diameter of the studied arteries in the left testis increased by 5.7% (p <0.01), the thickness of the mediaby 1.8 times (p <0.001). The Kernaghan index of these arteries decreased by 25.3%, and their lumenby 37.9% (p <0.001). It is worth noting that the marked narrowing of the lumen of the arteries and the decrease in the Kernaghan’s index indicate a decrease in the capacity of these vessels and deterioration of blood supply of the organ. The height of the small caliber artery endotheliocytes decreased by 4.9% (p <0.05), nuclear cytoplasmic ratios in the studied cells increased by 11.4% (p <0.001) and the relative volume of damaged endothelial cells – by 18.4 times (p <0.001). The outer diameter of the test vessels of the right testis increased by 4.9% (p <0.05), thickness mediaby 1.74 (p <0.001) times. The inner diameter of the arteries decreased by 32.7%, Kernaghan’s indexby 32.3% (p <0.001), the relative volume of damaged endothelial cells increased by 15.6 times (p <0.001). Prolonged action on the body of cadmium chloride leads to marked remodeling of arteries of small caliber of the testis, which is characterized by thickening of the vessel wall, narrowing of their lumen and lesions of endothelial cells, endothelial dysfunction, deterioration of blood supply, hypoxia, dystrophic and necrobiolic changes of tissues and cells, ifiltrative, sclerotic processes that dominated the left testis.
testis, arteries, morphometry, cadmium chloride.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 253-256 pages, index UDK [611.631- 612.616+616.981]:612.273.2