About the author:
Grytsuliak B. V., Grytsuliak V. B., Dolynko N. P., Glodan О. Ya., Ivasiuk I. Y.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Aim: to establish echometric parameters, hemodynamic and cytohistological changes in the prostate gland in men of mature age after epididymo-orchitis. Object and methods. Ultrasound diagnostics and color ultrasound angiography of the prostate gland was performed at 10 men 36-42 year-olds who underwent epididymo-orchitis in the clinical diagnostic center “Prima MED” on the device SIEMENS SONOLINE G 60S (“Siemens AW”-Germany). The length, width, height, volume andmass of the prostate were determined in the gray scale mode. The function is included in the ultrasound scanner program. The control was the data of 7 practically healthy men of this age. The materials for histological and electron microscopy researches were tissues of the around urethra area of the prostate gland of 5 men of this group selecting during minimally invasive surgery. In the mode of color Doppler mapping have determined the nature of the vascular pattern, the course of the vessels, their diameter, the number of vessels in the symmetric sections of the prostate gland followed by a graphical representation of the spectrum of Doppler frequency shift in the selected vessel. Qualitative hemodynamic indicators were: peak systolic blood flow velocity (Vps) cm/s, diastolic blood flow velocity (Vd) cm/s, time average velocity (TAV) cm/s, pulsatility index (PI), volumetric flow rate (V) L/min. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the program Statistica 10. Results. According to ultrasound diagnostics the parameters of the prostate gland in particular its volume increased to (26.2 ± 1.5) cm3 and its mass increased to (27.3±1.4) g vs (21.0±1.5) cm3 and (22.2±1.5) g in the control group. Also blood flow in the prostate gland reduced: peak arterial blood flow velocity in the peripheral zone up to (6.8±0.46) cm/s and diastolic blood flow velocity up to (2.75 ± 0.26) cm/s vs (18.8±3.0) cm/s and (5.7±0.1) cm/s in the control group. Under these conditions the final sections of the glands are cystically enlarged, the squamous epithelium is flattened, the nuclei are pyknotic and the cell borders are indistinguishable. Epithelial folds and form are preserved, in the gaps are prostatic bodies and acidophilus secretion. The fibrous-muscle stroma grows around the lobules. The relative square of the glandular epithelium decreases to 56.5% and the square of the fibrous-muscular-elastic component increases to 43.5%. Conclusions. According to electron microscopy in the hemocapillaries of the prostate gland the nuclei of the endothelial cells are deformed, the cytoplasm is vacuolated, the crystals in the mitochondria are reduced, the basement membrane is unevenly expanded. In the nuclei of the prostatic epithelium is perinuclear condensation of chromatin, cytoplasm is vacuolated, drops of fat are accumulated, the mitochondrial cristae are homogenized. There are cytoplasmic changes in the main prostate epithelial cells of the same nature.
prostate gland, parameters, hemodynamics, histo-ultrastructure.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 256-259 pages, index UDK 616. 65-002