About the author:
Nefоdova O. O., Halperin O. I., Nefоdov O. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of the study was to experimentally determine the effect on the cardiogenesis of germanium or cerium citrates under conditions of chronic intoxication of females with cadmium salts in rats. Experimental studies were performed on female Wistar rats. To simulate the effects of cadmium chloride throughout pregnancy, female Wistar rats were daily administered per os via an aqueous solution of cadmium chloride or cadmium citrate at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg alone and in combination with cerium/germanium citrate. Embryonic hearts were examined on the 13th and 20th days of embryogenesis and on the 10th day of postnatal development. An increase in the cardiofetal index in the group exposed to cadmium chloride indicates an increase in the weight of the heart in the group with a decrease in body weight of the embryo due to intoxication. Microscopically detected in 12.3% of atrial endocardial hyperplasia and in 26-29% led to changes in the formation of the ventricular wall of embryos: thickening of both compact and trabecular layers of the myocardium and the formation of abnormal trabeculae. As shown by the results of morphometric studies in embryos of the 13th day surviving cadmium salts, the following changes occur in the development of the heart chambers: cadmium chloride provokes an increase in the thickness of the atria, ventricles and interventricular septum, and the action of cadmium citrate increases the thickness of the atria. has a significant difference with the studied indicators of the control group. At the end of embryogenesis (20th day), the introduction of cadmium chloride to pregnant females leads to a significant thickening of the ventricular wall: 2.13 times in the middle part of the ventricular wall, and the basal and apical parts increased 1.20 times. The effect of cadmium citrate had the opposite direction and led to thinning of the walls of the ventricles and atria. Combined administration of germanium and cerium citrates with cadmium salts was determined by modifying the effect of citrates on cardiotoxicity of cadmium In the groups of combined administration of germanium/cerium citrates on the background of cadmium intoxication, different directions of changes in heart weight and embryos were determined. In the group of cadmium chloride + cerium citrate administration, the cardiofetal index did not have a significant difference with the control, and under the influence of cadmium chloride with germanium citrate there was a tendency to increase heart weight as in the group of isolated exposure to cadmium chloride. The decrease in heart weight occurred in the group of isolated administration of cadmium citrate, and in the groups of combination with metal citrates, the heart weight increased significantly, which led to an increase in the cardiofetal index in these groups. Morphometric studies of the hearts of 10-day-old rats in the isolated cadmium salts group showed that despite the cessation of cadmium salts after birth, the anatomical structure of the heart remained different from the changes in cadmium citrate and chloride in embryos. In the groups of combined administration of cadmium salts with germanium/cerium citrates, the studied heart parameters differed insignificantly from the control values, which indicates a modifying effect of cerium and germanium citrates on the cardiotoxicity of cadmium when combined in a rat experiment.
cardiogenesis, ventricle, atria, cadmium, germanium citrate, cerium citrate, rat embryo.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 274-280 pages, index UDK 611.12-076:611.013:616-092.9:669.018.674