About the author:
Pobielienskyi K. O., Pobelenskaya L. A., Legach E. I., Pobielienskyi O. N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Goal. The goal was a comparative study of the results of resection and cryodestruction of the thyroid lobe in rats with a model of propylthiouracil-induced diffuse hyperplasia. Methods. The experiments were performed on female SHR rats of 6 months of age. Diffuse hyperplasia was induced for 90 days using 0.1% PTU added to drinking water. Rats were divided on 3 groups: 1) rats with resection of the left thyroid lobe (the isthmus was left intact, and the thyroid residue was 1/5); 2) rats with cryodestruction of the left thyroid lobe; 3) sham-operated rats, which were used for all manipulations, except for resection or cryodestruction. Cryodestruction was performed two times during 120 s using a copper cryoprobe with a tip diameter of 1.5 mm and a volume of the cooled part of 21.99 cm3 . After operations, the animals were returned to the vivarium conditions. The introduction of 0.1% PTU was canceled. On 30th, 60th and 120th days after operations the rats were killed; blood was taken to determine TSH, Т4 and Т3 ; samples of the thyroid gland were taken to prepare histological slides. The following histological indices were microscopically studied per high power field 200x200 μm2 : the number of C-cells; the average follicular epithelium height (FEH); the average number of interfollicular islets (IFI); the average number of follicles of irregular shape (FIS) including follicles with folds, fragmentation, bands. Results. The processes of folliculogenesis in thyroid tissue were observed within 60 days after both types of surgical intervention. A significant increase in the number of IFI and FIS was established in the 1st and 2nd groups of animals in comparison with sham-operated control. In addition, a significant increase in the number of C-cells was observed in rats of 1st group on the 30th day after surgery. In rats of 2nd group, this indicator also tended to increase. The values of FEH in the experimental groups did not significantly differ from the control. The number of C-cells and IFI was higher after resection than after cryodestruction. A significant increase in TSH levels was found in rats of 1st and 2nd groups for 30 days. At the same time, there was a tendency to a decrease in the levels of free Т4 in comparison with the control. The differences in hormone levels disappeared on the 60th day after surgery. Conclusions. The evidence of thyroid tissue regeneration was established both in the case of resection and cryodestruction. A comparative analysis revealed that proliferative processes are less active after cryodestruction than after resection.
thyroid gland, cryodestruction, resection, regeneration, thyroid hormones.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 286-289 pages, index UDK 617-089:57.086.13]:616.441-008.61