About the author:
Ustenko R. L.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Purpose. Carrying out three-dimensional reconstruction of elements of tubulo-alveolar aggregates in the central and peripheral zones of the human prostate and comparing them with each other. Methods. Serial paraffin sections 4 μm thick were obtained from the central and peripheral areas of the human prostate. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. After a preliminary microscopic analysis, graphic twodimensional reconstructions were created, and on their basis – three-dimensional plastic reconstructions of the studied elements. Results. In the central zone of the human prostate are bulky and complex glands, but less numerous in comparison with the peripheral zone. These individual glands are separated from each other by layers of muscle and connective tissue of considerable thickness. This makes it quite easy to identify and distinguish them from the glands of the peripheral zone. Within the individual gland of the central zone, its epithelial glandular components are not very closely spaced. This is evidenced by the more pronounced interstitial spaces between them on histological specimens and the corresponding interalveolar gaps on three-dimensional plastic reconstructions. Similar to the glands of the peripheral zone, the glands of the central zone are characterized by the presence of intraluminal folds of the glandular epithelium and intussusception of the wall, which can have different parameters. In general, thesestructures differ in slightly larger linear dimensions compared to those in the peripheral zone. The lumens of many ducts of the glands of the central zone are very narrow, slit-like, and sometimes the sections are not defined at all. This is especially true of duct lumens, which are directly connected to the end sections. Most terminal sections of the glands of the central zone generally resemble the end sections of the peripheral zone, but differ in slightly larger size and more complex organization of the luminal circuit. Often in both zones the well-marked transition of final department to an excretory channel is not defined. The results of stereological analysis allowed to identify both in the peripheral and in the central zone the following tubular glandular components: terminal excretory ducts (thay take the secret synthesized by glandocytes of terminal departments), lateral (lateral) branches of the second or third order up to the central duct (it located centrally within the individual prostate gland) and main ducts. In the area of confluence of the main ducts of the glands of the central and peripheral zone into the urethra, the epithelial lining forms pronounced folds and in many areas forms a bulge in the direction of the lumen of the excretory ducts of these glands. Conclusion. Thus, it was found that the glandular components of the central zone of the human prostate have a similar structure to the glandular components of the peripheral zone. Herewith they differ mainly in the size of the terminal sections and excretory ducts.
terminal section, duct, prostate gland, central zone, stereomorphology.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 296-299 pages, index UDK 611.637