About the author:
Korolenko V. V., Gruzieva T. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The health care system, its modernization and optimization are among the most important functions of the modern Ukrainian state. Its reforming is one of the main directions of its development in the comtemporary conditions. A number of issues need special attention and thorough discussion. Issues of socially important specialized medical services, one of which is the dermato-venereological service, are of major importance. The analysis of the legal framework and scientific sources on the organization of dermato-venereological care to the population leads to determine for the purpose of further research the scientific substantiation of a set of measures to optimize the activity of the dermatovenerological service of Ukraine and to build its optimized functional and structural model by taking into account the social status significant skin diseases and STIs in Ukraine and the leading countries of the world and their impact on social, economic, institutional and other factors, the characteristics of resource provision and scope of activity skin diseases and STIs in Ukraine, the relationship of morbidity of socially significant diseases of the skin and STIs, with activities and resources for dermato-venereological service of Ukraine. The development of the dermatovenerological service in Ukraine in accordance with the priorities of the state policy, the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2016-2030, the normative acts of the European Union requires scientific substantiation and solution of a number of problems of normative-legal, organizational, socio-economic nature that makes the research relevant. Further research we consider it advisable to carry out in the directions of establishing the features of the organization, volumes and staffing of dermatovenereological care at different levels; assessment and identification of problems of ensuring the availability and quality of dermatovenereological care to the population; identification of deficiencies and systemic risks in the prevention of correction of challenge factors for the development of dermatovenerуological pathology in primary health care and strategic directions of improvement of medical care of patients with skin pathology and STIs; assessing the relationship of population morbidity to socially significant skin diseases and STIs, with the activities and resources of the dermatovenerological service.
health care, dermatovenerology service, reform, public health.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 315-318 pages, index UDK 616.5-082(477)+616.98-082(477)+614(477)