About the author:
Lekhan V. M., Kriachkova L. V., Serdyuk V. M., Puchkova N. V., Maksimenko O. P., Kozyr O. A., Kiy-Kokareva V. G., Kolesnik V. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of the study is to determine the potentially preventable hospitalization associated with Ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) for the adult population of Ukraine while improving the effectiveness of primary care. Object and methods. The study was conducted as a second phase after determining the general list and markers ACSC for the adult population of Ukraine ACSC study in Ukraine using adapted to the national context of the WHO guidelines for assessing ACSC and the potentially preventable hospitalization in the European region. 77 respondents – general practitioners and a group of experts were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire. Results. The potential possibility of a significant reduction in hospitalizations for the entire set of ACSC, identified as significant for Ukraine, with the exception of iron deficiency anemia and chronic heart failure, has been identified. The largest population indicators of probable preventable of hospitalizations are registered in arterial hypertension, pneumonia, angina, COPD and diabetes, which coincides with the list of the most significant for the adult population of Ukraine ACSC. The general level of potential preventable of hospitalization of adults from ACSC, determined for the population, in Ukraine is according to doctors – 28.2%, according to expert estimates – 32.9%, which may reduce the total hospitalization for outpatient-sensitive conditions (in% from the number of patients with ACSC) from 8.1% to 6.0% (according to PPE estimates) or up to 5.6 % (according to experts). Conclusions. The results obtained for the potentially preventable hospitalisation from ACSC, defined for the population, can be seen as a potential for change management and can be used in the development of general policies or specific programs in the field of health and strengthening PHC systems.
ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC), potentially preventable hospitalization, primary care.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 319-324 pages, index UDK 614.2: 616-08-039.57 (477)