About the author:
Rogach I. M., Keretsman A. O., Pohorilyak R. Y., Reho O. J.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The problem of forming a healthy lifestyle has always been and remains one of the most important medico-social problems of each country. In recent years, society has become increasingly concerned about the spread of negative trends in alcohol and tobacco use among students. The increasing interest of researchers in the study of this problem is closely linked to the rapid progression of declining health of the population of Ukraine, and, at the same time, the spread of diseases among children and young people of school age is of major concern. The main purpose of the survey among student youth is to determine the prevalence of cigarettes and alcohol, the factors of different behaviors, as well as to study their connection with the characteristics of the social environment (influence of the family and the company of peers). The method of questioning (self-completion of questionnaires) conducted a sociological survey among students of 5-11th grades of secondary school in Uzhhorod. Tobacco access in student youth remains high. More than half of students report having a smoking experience – 72.3%. The proportion of boys who smoked at least once during their lifetime is higher than that of girls, accounting for 61.3% of boys and 44.3% of girls. 7.2% of the student youth smoke daily: 18.1% boys and 6.7% girls. 6.3% reported smoking five or more cigarettes daily. 83.4% of students consumed any alcoholic beverage at least once during their lifetime: 58.4% among 12-13 year olds; among 13-14 year olds – 67.8%; among 15-year-olds – 78.5%; 16-year-olds – 85%, among 17-year-olds – 84.6%. During the last 12 months, alcoholic beverages were consumed by 70% of students (71.1% among girls, 68.7% among boys). The difference is observed in the number of times of use. Thus, more girls than boys (27.3% and 22.8% respectively) reported drinking alcohol once or twice during the specified period. 6.1% of boys and 2.8% of girls reported regular use (40 or more times in the last 12 months, which actually means weekly drinking). A negative factor in the prevalence of tobacco use is that adolescents do not view smoking as a factor in the significant negative impact on human health. A major problem is the prevalence of alcohol among adolescents. Topical recommendations should emphasize the importance of building trusting relationships between parents and children, enhancing interaction between schools and parents. It is important for parents to raise awareness of the lives of their children, especially middle and older children. At the same time, information and prevention work should be carried out constantly, adapting to new age groups, taking into account dynamic changes of the information space, new needs and requests of target groups.
smoking, alcohol, teenagers, students, medical and social problem, bad habits.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 324-327 pages, index UDK 614.2-053.6(477.87):613.81/.84