Sheshukova O. V., Mosienko A. S., Trufanovа V. P., Bauman S. S., Polishchuk T. V., Maksimenko A. I., Kazakova K. S.


About the author:

Sheshukova O. V., Mosienko A. S., Trufanovа V. P., Bauman S. S., Polishchuk T. V., Maksimenko A. I., Kazakova K. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The growth in the incidence of dental caries in children is considered as a global challenge. The available reports have also demonstrated the rise of dental diseases in the paediatric population of Ukraine in the recent period. The findings of the survey on dental caries prevalence and intensity in children of Poltava city for 2014-2019 evidenced sizeable deterioration of the situation. Today on the territory of Ukraine there are 4 main geochemical provinces with different content of fluorine and its compounds. Poltava region is one of the most fluoride-contaminated, the fourth province, where the fluorine content in drinking water is more than 1.5-3.0 mg/l. The alkaline nature of the water of the Buchak-Kaniv aquifer with a large amount of sodium bicarbonate and chloride depositions promotes the ground water enrichment from water-bearing rocks and minerals into the water. The intensity and character of endemic of dental caries depends on the content of reactive forms of fluoride in drinking water. The aim of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis of caries and fluorosis indices in primary school children of Poltava city and the residential neighbourhoods and to assess their need in the dental sanitation. Within the regular dental checkups and satination we examined the 695 children aged 6-11 from three secondary schools of Poltava and its residential neighbourhoods (270 primary school pupils of Poltava Gymnasium № 6, 272 children from Rozsoshentsy Gymnasium and 153 children from Shcherbani Lyceum and its daughter setting in Trostyanets). To carry out the comparative analysis we determined the prevalence and intensity of dental caries in temporary and permanent teeth as well as we assessed the need in dental sanitation. The severity of dental fluoro-sis was evaluated by the I. Møller classification (1965). Statistical processing of the findings obtained was performed using generally accepted methods of official statistics. Results and their discussion. Among the surveyed primary school children of the residential neighbourhoods, more than a half needed dental sanitation. Untreated dental caries was diagnosed in 62.7% of the examined children from school settings in Shcherbani – Velykyi Trostyanets, in 52.9% of the children from Rozsoshentsi Gymnasium, and in 31.5% of the children from the Poltava Gymnasium № 6. The highest prevalence of dental caries in temporary teeth was found out in the village of Rozsoshentsi (66.54%); it did not differ between the findings from the Poltava Gymnasium № 6 and Shcherbani-Velikiy Trostyanets Gymnasium and made up 52.59% and 53.59%, respectively. But the intensity of dental caries in permanent teeth significantly differed and was the highest in the schools, which were the most distant from the city centre, and namely in the village of Shcherbani-Velykyi Trostyanets, 1.03 ± 0.12. The high level of dental fluorosis was revealed in the children from the village of Shcherbani – Velykyi Trostyanets and constituted 85.1%. In the village of Rozsoshentsi this indicator was 28.2% lower and amounted to 56.9%; the lowest prevalence of this pathology was observed in the children of Poltava Gymnasium № 6, and made up 11.9%. Conclusion. The results of the analysis have demonstrated the most serious dental situation in terms of fluorosis and dental caries of permanent teeth is in the children who studied in the schools in the villages of Shcherbani and Velykyi Trostyanets. The situation we have detected needs to strengthen both primary and secondary prevention in the schools of the nearest to Poltava residential neighbourhoods.


dental caries, children, fluorosis, dental sanitation.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 369-373 pages, index UDK 616.314-002.4+616.314.13-003.663.4]-036-053.2(477.53-21/22Полтава)