Sevalnev A. I., Kutsak A. V., Kostenetsky M. I., Lemeshko L. T.


About the author:

Sevalnev A. I., Kutsak A. V., Kostenetsky M. I., Lemeshko L. T.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The article is devoted to the results of radiological monitoring in the area of the Zaporizhzhya NPP location, which is especially relevant and has a high enough scientific and practical interest. Therefore, it is very important to have information about the state of radioactivity in the environment to assess the state of radiation safety of the population. The aim of the work was to assess the level of gamma background in the settlements of the 30-kilometer zone of Zaporizhzhya NPP, the content of radioactive substances in the air, in the water of the Kakhovka Reservoir, food and soil. Determine the radiation doses of the population, compare them with the normative values and quotas of dose limits set for Zaporizhzhya NPP, as well as with the indicators of «zero background». The objects of the study were: air, water of the Kakhovka reservoir, soil, food. Methods of gamma spectrometry, beta spectrometry, total radiometry, dosimetry were used. The following instruments were used for research: gamma-beta energy energy spectrometers, liquid scintillation analyzer, low activity measuring device, universal dosimeter-radiometer, thermoluminescent dosimeters and others that have passed state verification. The analysis of the results showed that during the observation period of 2016-2020 the gamma background levels were 0.10-0.12 μSv ∙ h-1, the annual dose due to external irradiation was 0.60-0.64 mSv per year, which corresponds to zero background levels. The radioactivity of the air is in the range: 137Cs – 1.8 μBq ∙ m-3, 90Sr – <0.1 μBq ∙ m-3; soil radioactivity – 137Сs – 0,15-0,75 kBq ∙ m-2, 90Sr – 0,01-0,04 kBq ∙ m-2; radioactivity of water of Kakhovka reservoir – 137Сs – 4,5 Bq ∙ m-3, 90Сr – 15 Bq ∙ m-3. The radioactivity of basic food products is 0.06-0.35 Bq ∙ kg-1, which is much lower than acceptable levels. It is established that the radiation dose to the population of the Zaporizhzhya NPP location region due to NPP discharges and emissions is 0.4 μSv per year, which is significantly lower than the standards set by NRBU-97 and the dose limit quotas set for Zaporizhzhya NPP. Thus, the operation of Zaporizhzhya NPP can be considered safe for the population of the region of its location.


Zaporizhzhya NPP, radiation doses of the population, radioactivity of the environment.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 77-80 pages, index UDK 613.648.4:614.876:621.311.25(477.64)