Trybrat T. A., Shut S. V., Petrov Ye. Ye., Sakevych V. D, Boryak V. P.


About the author:

Trybrat T. A., Shut S. V., Petrov Ye. Ye., Sakevych V. D, Boryak V. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Raising public awareness of cardiovascular risk factors and their prevention plays an important role in reducing morbidity and mortality. The reasons for delays in seeking medical care are the lack of information about the symptoms of the disease, misunderstanding of their significance, denial of the severity of the disease. In order to perform the study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 98 patients with coronary heart disease, aged from 48 to 73 years. To assess the medical awareness of patients, the questionnaire provided open-ended questions on the knowledge of traditional risk factors for the development of CVD and their target values. Attention is drawn to the extremely low awareness of patients on the main risk factors for CVD development. Only 48% of patients reported elevated total cholesterol, while hypercholesterolemia was observed in most patients. The assessment of patients’ motivation to obtain additional information about the disease and various aspects of lifestyle is quite high (99%). It is noteworthy that significant differences in awareness of CVD risk factors were found in patients who had different sources of information about CVD and visited medical facilities with different frequency. Respondents who reported the main source of information obtained from physicians cited significantly more often arterial hypertension (AH), high blood cholesterol, obesity (OB) as risk factors for CVD, and stress, hypodynamics and smoking – much less often. Such results may indicate increased attention of physicians to the problem of correcting the manifestations of hypertension and obesity, whereas smoking, malnutrition and inactivity are discussed much less often. In order to control risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and increase the effectiveness of secondary prevention in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, additional measures are needed to raise awareness among patients with cardiovascular diseases.


prevention, cardiovascular diseases, awareness, risk factors.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 136-138 pages, index UDK 616.1:613.01:614.253