Riabushko O. B., Yeroshenko G. A., Klepets O. V., Vatsenko A. V., Ulanovska-Tsyba N. A., Perederii N. O.


About the author:

Riabushko O. B., Yeroshenko G. A., Klepets O. V., Vatsenko A. V., Ulanovska-Tsyba N. A., Perederii N. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. One of the important tasks of higher medical educational institutions is to create a modern and perfect material and technical educational base, which would allow to train highly qualified and competitive medical professionals. Medical biology, as an academic discipline, is aimed at the formation of the future physician’s modern scientific worldview and contributes to the further implementation of the achievements of other fundamental disciplines in the practical fields of medicine. When studying medical biology, students must learn not only the terminology of the natural sciences, but also a significant number of new for them, complex medical terms. Medical terms often include eponymous clinical terms that reflect the names of scientists or physicians who first described a disease, phenomenon, method of research, or first used a special method of treatment or diagnosis. Knowledge and conscious understanding of eponymous terms, the ability to use them at the beginning of professional training of future doctors helps to increase the intellectual level, mastery of professional terminology and language of specialists. The aim of the work is to analyze and determine the role of eponymous terms used in the study of medical biology discipline, in particular, sections – anthropogenetics and medical genetics, to explore the structure of these terminological units. The use of eponymous names in the study of medical biology contributes to the approach of educational material to the level of medical professionals, deepens integration with clinical disciplines, forms an understanding of professional ethics. When studying the sections of anthropogenetics and medical genetics, students get acquainted with a large number of names of diseases, symptoms and syndromes. Experience shows that students better learn the material, understand the cause and effect, remember the names of diseases and syndromes faster if they understand the origin of the term. The study of medical biology becomes more complex for students to use eponyms because they are difficult to rememberand to translate, but they are of paramount importance to future physicians as part of their professional language.


terms-eponyms, anthropogenetics, medical genetics, syndromes, diseases.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 161-165 pages, index UDK 575:61:001.4-028.53