Kryvtsova M. V., Kostenko Ye. Ya., Skliar I. I., Kostenko S. B., Salamon I.


About the author:

Kryvtsova M. V., Kostenko Ye. Ya., Skliar I. I., Kostenko S. B., Salamon I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Chronic periodontitis is known to be a disease of multifactorial genesis. An important role in its formation is played by imbalances between the infective factors (periodontal pathogens) and immune reactivity in periodontal tissues. At the same time, in conditions of disordered oral microbiota, the etiological role of other microorganisms, including opportunistic ones that acquire additional pathogenic power and are highly resistant to antimicrobial preparations, is growing. The objective of this work was to study the range, persistence level and antibiotic susceptibility of opportunistic microorganisms of periodontal tissues affected by inflammatory periodontal diseases. Biological sampling from the oral cavities of patients suffering from generalized levels II and III periodontitis was performed with the use of a sterile applicator in transport tubes (AMIES). The material was inoculated onto nutrient media by sector inoculation according to Gold, with the use of differentially diagnostic nutrient media (Himedia), with subsequent identification with the help of Erba Lachema test systems (Czechia). The antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria and microscopic fungi was identified by disk diffusion test, according to EUCAST (European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing) recommendations. The quoted results and data of our previous studies indicate to a high level of persistence of antibiotic-resistant opportunistic microorganisms in the periodontal tissues of patients suffering from periodontitis. The opportunistic microorganisms were isolated from the nidus of the inflammatory process in clinically significant titres (104 -1012 CFU/ml). The most frequently bacteria were Staphylococcus sp. – 25.7%, Streptococcus sp. – 22.7%; at the same time, the total percentage of Enterobacteriaceae genus microorganisms equalled to 36.1%. Bacterial associations were identified in 22 patients, out of the 38 examined (57.9% cases). When associations were isolated, clinical manifestations of the diseases were more pronounced. The study of bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics proved the highest level of resistance to unprotected first generation beta-lactams, macrolides, tetracyclines, and cephalosporins. The obtained data are an important stage of the correct strategy for antimicrobial therapy against periodontitis, and they show an exceptional need to perform analysis of antibiotic susceptibility in case of the rational application of antimicrobial preparations to treat inflammatory periodontal diseases.


antibiotic resistance, opportunistic microorganisms, oral (cavity) microbiota


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 180-183 pages, index UDK 617.3+597.6