Aleksyeyenko N. S., Andriychuk V. M.


About the author:

Aleksyeyenko N. S., Andriychuk V. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Background. Studying in higher educational institutions of military profile with a high level of physical activity differs from studying in other types of universities. A significant effect of physical activity on anthropometric indicators has been established. Another important factor influencing the formation of anthropometric parameters are the features of lifestyle, which largely depend on the characteristics of the dwelling place. However, the peculiarities of changes in anthropometric parameters in rural and urban residents under the influence of high physical activity are still insufficiently studied. The purpose of the work is to study the peculiarities of the change of circumferential anthropometric dimensions in young cadets living in rural and urban areas. Materials and Method. 200 young men (100 – city residents, 100 – villagers) were examined according to Bunak’s method modified by P.P. Shaparenko. The study is longitudinal in nature and was conducted three times one month after the start of the first, second and third year of study. Statistical processing of the results was performed in the package “STATISTICA 6.1”. Results. The average change in the perimeter of the upper third of the leg of young men from the village in the first year of study was 0.86±0.13 cm, and young men from the city was 1.12±0.14 cm. The average change in the perimeter of the wrist of young men from the village on in the first year of study was 0.09 ± 0.03 cm, and in young men from the city it was 0.12±0.03 cm. The average value of the change in the perimeter of the brush of young men from the village in the first year of study was 0.09 0.03 cm, and in young men from the city it was equal to 0.16±0.03 cm. The average value of the change in the perimeter of the shoulder of young men from the village in the first year of study was 0.67±0.13 cm, and in young men from the city was equal to 0.60±0.21 cm. The average value of the change in the perimeter of the foot of young men from the village in the first year of study was 0.08±0.05 cm, and in young men from the city it was 0.11±0.05 cm. The average value of the change in the perimeter of the thigh of young men village in the first year of study was 0.90±0.19 cm, and young men from the city was equal to 0.97±0.18 cm. In the second year of study, the difference between all these indicators is not significantly withdrew. The average change in the perimeter of the forearm of young men from the village in the first year of study was 0.54±0.09 cm, and young men from the city it was 0.55±0.09 cm. In the second year of study, the difference in the perimeter of the forearm of the villagers was 0.16±0.03 cm, in the city it was significantly less and was equal to 0.06±0.02 cm (р<0,05). The average change in the perimeter of the foot of young men from the village in the first year of study was 0.03±0.02 cm, and young men from the city was significantly larger and was equal to 0.13±0.03 cm (р<0,05). In the second year of study, this indicator had no significant differences. Conclusions. Establishing numerical differences in changes in circumferential anthropometric parameters between young people from rural and urban areas. In particular, the increase in the perimeter of the forearm during the first year of study was significantly different in rural boys, which was 0.16±0.03, and in urban boys – 0.06±0.02 cm (р<0,05). Significantly lower in young men from the village was the change in the perimeter of the foot, which was 0.03±0.02 cm, against 0.13±0.03 cm in urban residents (р<0,05).


anthropometry, circumferential parameters, youth, rural and urban residents.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 189-192 pages, index UDK 572.029-371.72