Bilash S. M., Pronina O. M., Pyrog-Zakaznykova A. V., Reva R. O., Svyryda O. S., Ksyonz V. I.


About the author:

Bilash S. M., Pronina O. M., Pyrog-Zakaznykova A. V., Reva R. O., Svyryda O. S., Ksyonz V. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Features of the tissue structure significantly affect the degree of its conductivity and resistance to high temperatures, which determines the different response to the effects of physical methods in surgery. Therefore, any studies of the effects of high-frequency current should be performed involving tissues that have different morphological structure. The work in which the effect of an electric scalpel was studied has quite contradictory conclusions. Therefore, today this issue remains unclear and requires an objective study involving several areas of research. The study was performed on 10 outbred adult male rabbits, which were divided equally into two groups: experimental (I) and control (II). In the experimental (I) group, the dissection of the tissues of the anterior abdominalwall and the distal ileum was performed with a monopolar electric knife, in the control (II) group, a scalpel blade was used to dissect the tissue. Investigations of changes that occurred in the area of influence of the monopolar electric knife and scalpel blade were performed by macroscopic evaluation and pathomorphological examination using light microscopy. The study found that the use of an electric scalpel prolongs the wound regeneration process, which has a negative effect, as it usually leads to excessive growth of granulation tissue, and creates the preconditions for the formation of pathological scars. Therefore, the use of high-frequency current as a method of skin dissection is one of the factors in the formation of keloid scars. Disturbances of microcirculation in histological preparations obtained from the ileum of experimental group (I) indicate the negative impact of high-frequency current. Such disorders in the regeneration process can lead to complications in the postoperative period – failure of the anastomotic sutures or the formation of stenosis. The obtained results give grounds to assert that the effect of a high-frequency shortwave electric scalpel on the biological tissues of experimental animals was negative, and its effectiveness at different stages of surgery is quite low.


monopolar electric knife, high-frequency current, laboratory animals, microcirculation disorders


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 193-197 pages, index UDK 615.472-071