Grytsulyak B. V., Grytsulyak V. B., Ivasiuk I. Y., Sluchyk I. Y., Khallo O. E.


About the author:

Grytsulyak B. V., Grytsulyak V. B., Ivasiuk I. Y., Sluchyk I. Y., Khallo O. E.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Ultrasonic scanning methods, color ultrasound angiography, histology, electron microscopy, morphometry, laboratory diagnosis of ejaculate and statistics studied the features of hemodynamics and structural and functional changes in the testes and ejaculate of infertile men mature age, with chronic hepatic disease. It was found that the volume of each testicle decreases to (16.20±1.30) cm3 on average against (19.50±1.40) cm3 in the norm. The maximum blood flow velocity in the testicular artery within the spermatic cord is reduced to (15.30±1.20) cm/s against (19.30±1.30) cm/s normal, and the volumetric blood flow – to (14.50±1.30) ml/s against (16.50±1.20) ml/s. In histological specimens from testicular biopsies of infertile men, the diameter of the tortuous seminal tubules decreases to (170.82±2.30) μm on average against (210.60±5.30) μm in the norm. The own shell of most of the tubules is thickened and hyalized. Under these conditions, only 25 % of tortuous seminal vesicles have 1-2 layers of spermatogonia and spermatocytes. According to electron microscopy, their nuclei are pyknotic, the cytoplasm is vacuolated, and the cytoplasmic organelles are deformed. Ultrastructural changes of the same nature are present in interstitial endocrinocytes. The volume of their nuclei decreases to (78.50±1.30) μm3 versus (95.60±1.70) μm3 . The concentration of testosterone in the blood decreases to (320.50±10.80) ng/dl against (765.6±18.00) ng /dl in the norm. The concentration of sperm in the ejaculate of men in this pathology decreases to (13.20±0.90) million/ ml against (69.70±8.60) million /ml in the norm, and the number of morphologically normal sperm – up to 18% against 65%. Under these conditions, the number of sperm with head pathology increases to 30% against 15% in the norm. Significantly increases (25% against 10%) the number of sperm with pathology of the main part of the jute. The number of live sperm decreases (25% against 70%), and their number with total progressive motility decreases to 19% against 54% in the norm. The concentration of testosterone in the blood decreases to (320.50±10.80) ng/dl against (765.6±18.00) ng/dl in the norm.


testis, hemodynamics, spermatogenesis, chronic hepatitis.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 215-217 pages, index UDK 616. 681.36-002