Cherno V. S., Pronina O. M., Bereza I. V.


About the author:

Cherno V. S., Pronina O. M., Bereza I. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The study aimed to determine the craniotopographic and morphometric parameters of the dura mater straight sinus of the human brain, depending on the form of the skull in adults. Using the cranial index, the subjects were divided into three groups: dolichocephalus, mesocephalus, and brachycephalus. Plastic molds of the skull sinuses were obtained by the corrosion method. Manufactured preparations of the straight sinus indicate the formation of complex vascular formations, which include tributaries of most internal cerebral veins, inferior sinuses, cerebellar veins, sinus anastomoses, lacunae, and parasinus. The straight sinus was always in the horizontal plane, flowing into the confluence of sinuses. The straight sinus has three walls: left and right lateral and lower. The lateral walls are formed by split leaves of the cerebral sickle’s base, and the lower – by the cerebellar tent’s leaf. It is established that the size of the sinus varies depending on the individual shape of the skull. Dolichocephalus has the largest range of variability in the length of the straight sinus, which is associated with an increase in the longitudinal parameters of the skull. The individual difference of width of each sinus`s wall is established. In brachycephaly, there is a characteristic tendency to predominance of the transverse dimensions of all walls, especially the lower one. The largest values of the thickness of all walls are observed in dolichocephali. The walls of this venous collector have peculiar lines and points of tension: anterior – to the stony parts of the temporal bones; posterior – to the upper limit of the grooves of the transverse sinuses of the occipital bone; upper – directly to the sickle. Therefore, the straight sinus in adults of different types of skull structure has fluctuations in the depth of location relative to the bones of the vault. People with a dolichomorphic type of structure due to the increase in the length and height of the skull have the highest vertical indicators of distance from the parietal bone.


straight sinus, morphometry, skull form.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 249-252 pages, index UDK 616.831:616.714-071