Skrypnikov A. M., Herasymenko L. O., Isakov R. I.


About the author:

Skrypnikov A. M., Herasymenko L. O., Isakov R. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. 28 children with defects and deformities of appearance in the remote period who applied for consultative assistance to the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology of PSMU were examined to study the structure and prevalence of neurotic disorders in pediatric patients with defects and deformities of appearance in the remote period (5 to 10 years after trauma). Burn injuries (57.15%) were dominated among the reasons for the formation of deformities of the appearance. Other reasons were accidents, domestic injuries, surgical interventions of a medical nature. The study allowed to clarify the phenomenological features of psychopathological disorders in the period of long-term consequences after the deformation of appearance and to identify their typological variants. Asthenic (78.6%), depressive (42.9%) and psychovegetative syndromes (39.3%) were diagnosed. Compared with the experience of examining patients in the acute period after the formation of external deformities, it is possible to note the greater vegetative manifestations of the astheno-vegetative variant of asthenic syndrome, which prompted to single out the psychovegetative syndrome. There is also a clinical convergence of depressive and astheno-depressive syndromes, so they were combined into a holistic depressive syndrome. Manifestations of asthenia were quite pronounced and this allowed to consider the asthenic syndrome separately, but the manifestations of asthenia were pervasive, creating a background for other syndromic variants of psychopathological symptoms. As a result of research it is established that defects and deformations of appearance, being a consequence of various factors, in the end lead to difficult transformations of psychological character, extreme tension of adaptive mechanisms of the person. Emotional stress from changes in appearance, and then the newly formed emotional state, have dominant properties and affect all types of mental activity, leading to asynchrony of mental activity in the form of various psychopathological disorders.


neurotic disorders, children, defects and deformities of appearance.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 270-272 pages, index UDK 616.89-008.12-053.5:615.851