Gorzov L. F., Romanov G. O.


About the author:

Gorzov L. F., Romanov G. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. At the present stage of development of dentistry, the issues of interdisciplinary connections are increasingly coming to the fore, especially when it comes to chronic conditions. Initially, chronic foci, even under conditions of different localization, lead to the formation of pre- and comorbid states. The location of the cells in such a specific environment as the oral cavity forms a stable comorbidity of the organism, which is deepened by a combination of microbial and viral factors. Such pathological foci include chronic diseases of the oropharynx: chronic herpetic stomatitis, which is one of the manifestations of chronic herpes infection and recurrent tonsillitis, which is usually microbial in nature. Research on the manifestation of recurrent tosillite in the age and gender sense has no definite limits and advantages. Therefore, determining the gender and age preferences in such a comorbid condition is an urgent issue for dentists today. The aim of the study was to determine gender and age differences in patients with chronic herpetic stomatitis on the background of recurrent tonsillitis. 236 people were examined, 90 patients (men and women) aged 18 to 44 years were selected to evaluate the treatment of chronic herpetic stomatitis in patients with recurrent tonsillitis, which were divided into groups: control group (CG), which included almost healthy individuals (n=25) and two groups of patients with chronic herpetic stomatitis on the background of recurrent tonsillitis – the main group (OG) (n=30) and the comparison group (GP) (n=35). Dentists, otorhinolaryngologists and infectious disease physicians participated in the assessment of the incidence of chronic herpetic stomatitis on the background of recurrent tonsillitis. Analysis of the data showed that there were no gender differences among patients. At the same time, the predominance of age groups of 27-35 years was observed in the groups. The obtained data determined the need for further research in this direction.


chronic herpetic stomatitis, chronic herpetic infection, recurrent tonsillitis.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 295-297 pages, index UDK 616.31-002.2-022.7:578.825.11-06:616.322