About the author:
Kaminska M. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Abstract. The study of combined use of xenobiotics including salts of heavy metals, nitrates and nitrites is of paramount importance in case of technogenic and anthropogenic environmental pollution. Investigations of stomatological health in population from the polluted by heavy metals regions suggest that oral inflammatory processes are currently on the growth. Therefore, biochemical analyze of oral liquid is actual in explaining of pathological processes in periodontium as well as being useful in development of special pharmacological agents, which will be able to modify the action and reduce the negative impact of priority pollutants on the body. The aim of our research was to study the efficiency of the proposed treatment based on the dynamics of Calcium – Phosphorus metabolism in periodontal tissues and in the saliva of patients with generalized chronic periodontitis. Object and methods of investigation. There were 41 animals involved in experiment (white, non-breeding male rats, weighing 180-200 grams). The animals were intoxicated by Nitrite Sodium and Cadmium Chloride over the period of 10 days. The material (periodontal tissue) was collected on the 14 and 28 day by decapitation performed with general etheric anesthesia when administration of toxicants was finished. The animals were divided into the following experimental groups: Group 1 – 10 control (intact) animals that were administered with physiological solution (0, 9% Sodium Chloride); Group 2 – 17 animals intoxicated with Nitrite Sodium and Cadmium Chloride by a dosage 1/10 LD50 over 10 days; Group 3 – enterosorbent «Sylix» was administered to 14 animals for 7 days after intoxication by Cadmium Chloride and Sodium Nitrite.The content of Calcium, activity of alkaline phosphatase, concentration of inorganic phosphorus, level of hydroxyproline were estimated in homogenate of periodontal tissues by using reagent kits from «Simko LTD» and Phyllis-diagnostics. Moreover, clinical examination of saliva was conducted in 81 patients aged 20-55 years from different bad environmental regions of Prykarpattia: conditionally polluted zone and conditionally clean zone. Chronic generalized initial periodontitis was diagnosed in 19 patients and 32 patients were diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis of I degree. Biochemical study of saliva was performed after the appointed treatment. Results. The results of biochemical investigations of periodontal tissues in experimental animals show that indexes of Calcium-Phosphorus metabolism and collagen metabolism approach the norm after administration of corrective therapy with enterosorbent «Silix» under the condition of combined intoxication with Cadmium Chloride and Sodium Nitrate. There were also significant changes of metabolic parameters in the saliva of patients from bad environmental areas which were affected by chronic generalized periodontitis. It was established the connection between the changes in Calcium–Phosphorus metabolism, collagen metabolism and the severity of chronic generalized periodontitis. The comparative analysis was conducted regarding the efficiency of traditional treatment and the proposed therapeutic-prophylactic complex. Conclusion. As can be assumed from the conducted investigations, the studied agent «Silix» exhibit an ability to provide a corrective effect on Calcium-Phosphorus metabolism as well as on collagen metabolism in periodontal tissues. It was found that changes in the biochemical parameters of saliva clearly depend on the severity of chronic generalized periodontitis, which is due to a progressive damage of periodontal tissues. A comparative analysis of the generally accepted and proposed therapy of chronic generalized periodontitis leads to the conclusion that the proposed by us treatment promotes a more pronounced tendency to normalization of Calcium-Phosphorus metabolism and collagen metabolism in the saliva ,which allows to recommend it for use in complex therapy of chronic generalized periodontitis.
: Cadmium-Nitrite intoxication, Calcium-Phosphorus metabolism, periodontal tissues, saliva, chronic generalized periodontitis.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 298-303 pages, index UDK 546.48+546.173+616-008.9+616.314-002.4+616.31-085