Nazarenko Z. Y., Dudchenko O. Y., Tkachenko I. M., Brailko N. M., Lyashenko L. I.


About the author:

Nazarenko Z. Y., Dudchenko O. Y., Tkachenko I. M., Brailko N. M., Lyashenko L. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Restoration of teeth after significant loss of hard tissues remains one of the current problems of modern dentistry, especially when it comes to devital teeth. According to many sources, the durability of the tooth after endodontic treatment directly depends on the amount of preserved natural tissue. In the clinic, it is quite commonfor the volume of preserved tissue to be insufficient and the boundaries of the crown to be located at the level of the gums, or even under the gums, which asks the doctor how to prevent the loss of this tooth. In this study, we studied the clinical effectiveness of the restoration of lost cervical dentin tissue of a completely destroyed crown of devital teeth using a fluid composite material «Latelux flow» with the subsequent creation of a tooth stump for orthopedic treatment and analysis of remote complications of this method of treatment. To do this, we have identified several variants of ferrule: height – up to 1mm, thickness – up to 1 mm, partial preservation of cervical dentin on one or two tooth surfaces (partial ferrule); height – 1-1.5 mm, thickness – 1-2 mm, partial preservation of cervical dentin on one or two tooth surfaces (partial ferrule); height – up to 1 mm, thickness – up to 1 mm, noted the preservation of cervical dentin on all surfaces of the tooth (circular ferrule). The results of the proposed method of treatment were investigated after 12 and 24 months using mathematical determination of the degree of wear of the dental crown. Comparison of the results obtained in the experimental groups allowed us to recommend the restoration of lost tissues of the cervical dentin of the stump of the tooth with composite fluid filling material «Latelux flow» inpatients with partial ferrule, whose height is 1-1.5 mm, thickness – 1-2 mm and in patients with circular ferrule, the height of which is up to 1 mm, thickness – up to 1 mm. In patients with partial ferrules, up to 1 mm high and up to 1 mm thick, were commend the use of other alternative treatments.


cervical dentin, ferrule, the degree of wear of the dental crown, fluid composite material.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 312-315 pages, index UDK 616.314:615.242