Dychko D. V., Dychko O. A., Dychko V. V., Radziievskii P. O., Radziievska M. P., Bobyrev V. Ye., Zinoviev O. M., Melnyk I. N.


About the author:

Dychko D. V., Dychko O. A., Dychko V. V., Radziievskii P. O., Radziievska M. P., Bobyrev V. Ye., Zinoviev O. M., Melnyk I. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The aim of the research was to study the effect of the application of the developed phased complex of rehabilitation physical exercises on the reactive response of neutrophilic granulocytes of peripheral blood of children at the age of 7-10 years with visual pathology.To achieve this goal, the developed phased comprehensive rehabilitation program of physical exercises was used, which was carried out in three motor modes. This allowed to form the cognitive, mental and biomechanical foundations of the construction of motor actions, to build them in a logical sequence from simple to complex (situational) actions. Thus, in the conditions of motor activity the rehabilitation effect was achieved not only by verbal and figurative instructions, but also by the really existing target need of creative activity of children with pathology of sight in real conditions of the environment. As the result of the study it was found that a set of rehabilitation exercises in children at the age of 7-10 years with visual pathology does not lead to radical profound changes in the reduction of immunological and hematological parameters. In children, the index of the ratio of the absolute number of leukocytes to ESR increases (P<0.05%) by 38.04%, which is associated with a significant decrease in ESR. At the same time the lymphocyte-granulocyte index decreases by 10.21%. After a set of rehabilitation exercises in boys with visual pathology, a tendency to increase the neutrophillymphocyte ratio by 6.24%, the leukocyte shift index – by 5.45%, the index of general resistance of the body – by 8.11%. Simultaneously with these changes the neutrophil shift index decreases in boys by 13.16%, lymphocytegranulocyte index – by 6.45%, lymphocyte index – by 7.33%, immunological reactivity index – by 7.14%, as well as the index non-specific reactivity – by 7.21%. The growth of the reactive response of neutrophils in girls with pathology of vision, as a very informative, highly sensitive and least susceptible to erroneous values of the indicator, allows to correctly select improving the physical development of girls with visual pathology on the bases of assessment of the general condition of the body, data instrumental cell-laboratory parameters . In addition, the use of a set of rehabilitation exercises in girls at the age of 7-10 years with visual pathology leads to a decrease in nonspecific resistance of the body – by 9.06%, which is confirmed by a tendency to reduce the body’s resistance – by 26.82% and immunological reactivity – by 15.33%. Conclusions. Thus, the development of a set of rehabilitation exercises for both boys and girls aged 7-10 years with visual pathology, improves the immune-hematological parameters that characterize the reactive response of neutrophilic granulocytes in the peripheral blood of these children No changes weren’t identified in immunehematological parameters in these children, which could be a contraindication to the use of new sets of rehabilitation exercises.


visual pathology, children, rehabilitation, cellular reactivity, immunological and hematological parameters, neutrophilic granulocytes, physical exercises.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 339-343 pages, index UDK 571.9+616.73+305.234+613.7