Dychko O. A., Dychko V. V., Klymenko Y. S., Dychko D. V., Zinoviev O.M.


About the author:

Dychko O. A., Dychko V. V., Klymenko Y. S., Dychko D. V., Zinoviev O.M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The aim of the study was to study the level of physical working capacity and the state of the oxygen transport system in children with scoliosis of I-II degree on the parameters and indices that characterize the working capacity. The bases for the study were: the specialized secondary sanatorium boarding school for children with scoliosis in Oleksiyive-Druzhkivka and the secondary school in Slovyansk in Donetsk region. To develop an adequate set of adaptive physical activity, we conducted a study of physical performance, also in the dynamics, exercise tolerance, as well as certain parameters of the cardiovascular (CCC) and autonomic nervous system (ANS), maximum oxygen consumption (MSC) in children with scoliosis and almost healthy, identical in age children. According to the results of the study among almost healthy children, the level of working capacity is higher by 5.40% (P<0.05) in girls, they also have a higher absolute value of MSC by 3.48% (P<0.01). The results of the study evidence that the children from 11 to 14 years with pathology of the spine (scoliosis) leads to an increase in boys’ physical and relative working capacity by 5.40% and 5.61%; increase in stroke volume, blood circulation, increase in the absolute value of MSCs. Thus, scoliosis in boys aged 11-14 years leads in most cases to increased physical performance. Quite a different picture in establishing the level of physical working capacity can be observed in girls. Formed scoliosis in children at the age of 11-14 years in boys in most cases leads to an increase in the level of indicators that characterize the diverse characteristics of physical working capacity. At girls of the same age with defects of a backbone the level of physical and relative working capacity, the general and relative volume of heart, stroke volume of blood, minute volume of blood circulation, cardiac index on PWC essentially decreases (by 31,16% in 4,46 times), MSCs by heart volume, blood flow rate, absolute and relative values of MSCs.


children, scoliosis, physical working capacity, cardiac index PWC, MSC.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 343-345 pages, index UDK 612.17:616.711-007.5-053.6