Nevmerzhytskaia N. N.


About the author:

Nevmerzhytskaia N. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article described the vital and creative way of the great scientist Leonardo Botallo. L. Botallo was a versatile person and an outstanding surgeon. He received the title of doctor of medicine in 25 years. He served as a surgeon for about 20 years. Had a great practice of treating gunshot wounds. For the first time he expressed the opinion that the powder does not contain toxic substances, crush tissue and blood clots contribute to suppuration in a gunshot wound. On the basis of the above postulates, he formulated a fundamentally important proposition that dead tissues are subject to excision, which later became fundamental in the teaching of wound healing. After moving to Paris, in 1560, Botallo became the doctor of the French king Charles IX, and then Henry III. He was one of the first among the physicians of France to use copious bloodletting. In addition to practical medicine, Botallo was engaged in research on the anatomy of the heart and blood vessels. In 1564, he described an oval foramen in the septum of the atria (Botallovo foramen, functioning in the prenatal period of the fetus) and arterial duct (truncus arteriosis) – a blood vessel that connects the pulmonary trunk of the fetus with the aorta, which after birth quickly starts and decreases in fibrous cord. He studied pathology and the clinical picture of organ damage in syphilis. Gave recommendations for the treatment of syphilis with mercury rubbing. For his work, Leonardo Botallo was awarded the title of winner of medicine. Many of his works have been repeatedly published in France, Germany, Italy, Holland. Contributed to the development of allergology. The name L. Botallo is regularly mentioned when describing essays on the history of allergies. In the last years of his life, Botallo retired from active medical practice. He died in France in 1587 or 1588 in Chenonceau or Blois. The place of his burial is unknown.


Botallo, scientist, research, treatment, surgeon.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 10-12 pages, index UDK 606-051(092)