About the author:
Zaychenko A. V., Gorchakova N. A., Klymenko E. V., Yakovleva N. Yu., Sinitsina O. S
Type of article:
Scentific article
In review it was stated melatonin influence on the cardiovascular system. It was shown the cardioprotective and antihypertensive effects of melatonin. It is known that melatonin is synthesided by pineal gland though it is produced by numerous mammalian organs with the prominent maximum at night. Melatonin normalizes sleepwakefullness rhythm. Melatonin has protective effect on endothelial function, favourable profile on cardiovascular system and metabolic effects, shortens vascular aging. It hasn`t shown drug-related adverse effects. There are many reports about role of melatonin on carbohydrate metabolism, relationships between melatonin, insulin, glucagon and signaling processes, the blood glucose regulation in the islet. It has been shown age dynamics of the melatonin synthesis. Melatonin has influence on the all organs and systems, last years expecial interest is associated with cardio-vascular system. Investigations have been shown the beneficial effects of melatonin on the cardiovascular system in experiments and clinics. In the experiments on isolated rats hearts melatonin in ischemia/reperfusion significantly reduced the duration of ventricular tachycardia, fibrillation and restored ventricular function. It was also investigated melatonin’s scavengering activity and its ability to measure contractile function. Besides of influence on contractility, melatonin slows down cardiac contractions rates, oppresses apoptosis, diminishes zone of myocardial infarction. Melatonin’s antioxidant action is connected with its stimulatory effect on superoxiddismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathionereductase, glucose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase activity and inhibitory effect on the inducible NO-synthase. Melatonin reduced the increased lipid peroxidation and transaminase activity in rats received fluoxetin. Rats received melatonin in combination with fluoxetine showed the reduction in the degree of degeneration and inflammatory changes in different tissues. In the patients with coronary disease it was discovered the lower content of melatonin. It was also investigated that the acute myocardial infarction is connected with a nocturnal serum melatonin stress. It was stated that melatonin introduction is associated with antianginal and antiіchemic effects, indicating the improvement of contractile function. It was shown that melatonin may reduce blood pressure. Melatonin’s excretion in enterocytes increased during gatric ulcer in oncology patients that’s why melatonin introduction to them is usefal. Melatonin is the molecular marker which is characterizided by integral processes in cardiac and neuro-immune-endocrine systems and its content can be verified by non-invasive methods in peripheral tissues and biological fluids of organism. It is known that arterial hypertension may be connected with the left ventricular hypertrophy. It is characterized by complex changes in the cardiac structure, including cardiomyocites growing and noncardiomyocites alteration that cause remodeling of myocardium. It was shown that in pathological cardiac processes there were changes of mechanical neurohormonal and cytokine routes influences connected with melatonin level decrease. It was found reduce level of melatonin in the nocturnal serum of the rats with spontaneous hypertension and the melatonin administration reduces blood pressure to normal range in these animals. There are data that in spontaneously hypertensive rats blood pressure decreased after 6 weeks of melatonin treatment in the dose 10 mg/kg. That was connected with a reduction in renal tissue inflammation, decrease oxidative stress and lowering the level of proinflammatory transcription factors in the kidney. It was foun reduced level of melatonin in subjects suffering from nondippered hypertension. Although melatonin did not prevent the development of left ventricular hypertrophy it reduced hydroxyproline content and its concentration in the left ventricular cells. This effect of melatonin was associated with reduction of the oxidative stress. The antioxidative influence was proved by fact that of melatonin is able to attenuate fibrosis in the hypertensive ventricle that may functionally desirable. Melatonin treatment of older rats had worse restoration of acetylcholine synthesis compared with the rats of control group. Melatonin decreased not only arterial pressure, but also level of serotonin and norepinephrine. Melatonin improves parasympathetic stimulation in the pathologic processes. The obtained data showed that melatonin have therapeutic ability in the treatment of several cardiovascular diseases.
melatonin, ischemia/reperfusion, cardioprotection, antihypertensive influence
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«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 26-35 pages, index UDK 577:154.365+001.3+616.31