About the author:
Pinchuk V. A., Kryvchun A. M., Sylenko G. Ya., Pinchuk V. V., Verevka O. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article presents examples of own clinical observation of two cases of sporadic hereditary spastic paraplegia. Discussed clinical and diagnostic criteria of this pathology. The features of the course, clinical picture, heredity and additional methods of research of hereditary spastic paraplegia are noted. Knowledge of this form will help neurologists not only properly formulate the diagnosis, but also to predict its course. In the article examples of the clinical observation of two cases of sporadic hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) are given. HSP is a group of clinically and genetically diverse disorders that manifest themselves with severe weakness and spasticity of the lower extremities, and the recovery of tendon reflexes in the absence of susceptible disorders. The prevalence of HSP varies from 1,0-4,0 per 100 000 people. Several mechanisms have been identified in the pathogenesis of HSP: the transport of cell membranes, in particular axonal transport of macromolecules and organelles; mitochondrial dysfunction; defects in the functioning of oligodendroglia for the SPG2 gene. The degenerative process is observed in the lateral and posterior pins of the spinal cord. Currently more than 80 genetic loci have been identified. There are families with autosomal dominant, with autosomal recessive and sporadic patients. Most cases of pure HSP are autosomal dominant, whereas complex forms tend to be autosomal recessive. By classification according to the clinical principle, “pure” (“simple”) hereditary HSPs are distinguished, in which the spastic paraplegia is dominant, although not the only symptom (lesions of the cortico-spinal tract), and “complex” forms (paraplegia plus). It is known that the diagnosis of sporadic cases and complicated HSP is hampered by a large number of genocides, including hereditary diseases. In the absence of a family history, it is necessary to exclude clinically similar and potentially curable diseases, first of all: parasaginal meningioma; compression of the thoracic spinal cord; cord spondylogenic myelopathy; funicular myelosis (deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid);multiple sclerosis; primary lateral sclerosis; spastic diplegia with infantile cerebral palsy (Little’s disease); DOPA-sensitive dystonia; lateral amyotrophic sclerosis; ectodermal dysplasia; syphilitic meningitis adrenolectocystastrophy; metachromatic leukodistrophy; HIV-myelopathy; Krabbe’s disease; syringomyelia. In the neurological department of the Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital were examined and treated with 2 patients with HSP. Moreover, in the first case, the diagnosis of “Vertebrogenic cervical myelopathy” was pre-hospitalized, in the second – “Chronic progressive myelo-polyradiculoneuropathy”. In these patients, a number of clinical syndromes that were characteristic of HSP were diagnosed: the first symptoms occurred at the 5th decade of life, the disease began with typical complaints of stiffness and fatigue, leg cramps, spastic stroke with difficulty bending the legs in the knees and femoral joints, tearing off the legs from the floor; the prevalence of spasticity over paresis and significant increase in standing position or walking; changes in muscle tone and paresis of the muscles of the hands were not diagnosed; the presence of tendon hyperreflexia, pyramidal pathological signs. The conducted clinical and paraclinical examinations (MRI, ENMG) allowed to conduct a differential diagnosis of HSP and to exclude other pathology. At the present stage, the diagnosis of HSP remains predominantly clinical, since the results of paraclinical methods are ambiguous, and the ability to conduct a molecular genetic study is limited. Most often, these patients are erroneously diagnosed with vertebrogenic myelopathy, encephalomyelopolyneuropathy, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and others. Unfortunately, there is currently no effective pathogenetic therapy for HSP.
hereditary spastic paraplegia, Stryumpel’s disease.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 50-55 pages, index UDK 616.8-009.612-031.58-053.1