About the author:
Shkarupa V. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Humic substances are group of organic compounds formed by the association of high-molecular-mass substances from microbiological, vegetative and animal origin. The unique properties of humic substance products enable their application in agriculture, environmental and biomedicine. This study has the following purpose: to examine the role of sodium lignogumate on modification of the thiophosphamide induced mutagenesis. Object and methods. Cytogenetic effects of sodium lignogumate on genotoxity induced by thiophosphamide in Allium – test were studied. Sodium lignogumate was tested at a concentration of 100 mg/l at the joint 72-hour exposure with thiophosphamide (at a concentration of 1 mg/l). Analysis of the root meristem cells of Allium cepa L. seed lings was carried by ana-telophase method. Results. It was found that sodium lignogumate had antimutagenic properties, reducing the frequency of thiophosphamide induced chromosome aberrations by 61,36 % and aberrant cells by 51,64 %. There was observed differential activity of the drug to reduce the frequency of chromosome aberrations of different types. The action of the humic substance resulted to complete elimination of multiaberrant cells. The frequency aberrations of chromatide type at the influence of sodium lignogumate reduced by 2,4 times, and the frequency of aberrations of chromjsomal type 12 times (there was revealed the complete elimination of double fragments). The frequency of chromatide “bridges” at the influence of sodium lignogumate reduced by 1,6 times, and the frequency of chromatide fragments – by 7,9 times. An increase in the “bridges” / fragments ratio under the action of sodium lignohumate indicates stimulation of reparation as one of the possible mechanisms of the antimutagenic action of the humic preparation. Therefore, multiple mechanisms were revealed for implementing antimutagenic properties of sodium lignogumate. Further research will be study the mechanisms antimutagenic action of humic substunce different origin on induced mutagenesis.
antimutagenesis, thiophosphamide, sodium lignogumate.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 79-82 pages, index UDK 575.224.46.044: 575.224.6