Gushcha S. G., Nasibullin B. A., Nikipelova E. M., Tikhokhod L. V., Saltaniuk V. N.


About the author:

Gushcha S. G., Nasibullin B. A., Nikipelova E. M., Tikhokhod L. V., Saltaniuk V. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The use of mineral waters (MW) ensures that the complex of macro- and microelements in the body in their most active form enters the body and subsequently participates in the realization of their biological action. Due to the presence of these components in MV, they are able to exert a regulating influence on the activity of many functional systems of the body. One of the possible effects of the action of MW is to increase the functional reserves of the body, known as the “healing effect”. The latter is more characteristic of MW canteens, which can be used for a long time (almost daily in the form of refreshing drinks). It is believed that the MW canteens in their chemical composition are not a large load for the body, in contrast to the medical canteens and medicinal MW, which are recommended to be used under the supervision of a physician, in order to avoid negative consequences. According to EU directives, the biological activity of MW is evaluated either by changes in a single homeostasis indicator, or by analogy of the chemical composition of the MW. At the same time, our experience shows that a more adequate task is a comprehensive assessment of the state of the main functional systems of the body under the influence of mineral waters. Based on the foregoing, the purpose of the work is to substantiate the “healing effect” of the natural dining room of MW based on a comprehensive assessment of the state of the functional systems of the body of white rats with different uses. The material of the work was the data obtained using white female rats weighing 180-200 grams, divided into three groups. The first – 16 intact rats served as a control (comparison group). The second – 17 rats, which in the form received MW “Obolonskaya” for 30 days in the mode of free access to this MW. The third group – 17 rats who received for 30 days, once a day this MW method of intragastric administration (intragastric) in an amount of 1% of body weight. The solstation of the functional activity of the CNS was assessed; it was estimated that the functional state of the kidneys was assessed; change in a number of metabolic parameters; state of peripheral blood and immediate response; structural and functional changes in the internal organs (liver, kidney, heart, stomach). Animals received packaged mineral natural table water, which by its chemical composition is slightly mineralized bicarbonate, magnesium-calcium sodium, the total mineralization is 0.50 g/l. The results of a comprehensive assessment showed that the nature and focus of homeostasis indicators do not depend on the options for using MW. Differences are observed in the quantitative characteristic of changes in individual indicators. According to the results of morphological studies, it can be argued that damage to the parenchyma of the internal organs of the MW does not cause. There are signs of increased function of the gastrointestinal tract in its intra-gastric administration. An assessment of the functional activity of the central nervous system revealed a calming effect of applied MW, more pronounced in the free water regime. In the urinary system, MW increases glomerular filtration rate and increases the excretion of potassium ions and chloride ions, and contributes to the retention of sodium ions. On the part of the metabolism indicators, there is a decrease in the intensity of detoxification processes in the liver while simultaneously intensifying bile formation and biliary excretion. On the part of peripheral blood, the use of MW did not cause changes. On the part of the immune response, a slight weakening of the activity of the cellular component was observed, while it was unchanged from stronons humoral. Thus, a comprehensive assessment of the impact of natural table MW showed that the response to its action involves the functional systems of the organism of the rat, which allows us to consider it as a nonspecific modulator. In addition, changes in the activity of the central nervous system, urinary and detoxification systems suggest that MW can cause a “healing effect”.


mineral water, complex assessment, functional systems of the body.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 83-88 pages, index UDK 615.327.076.9