About the author:
Avetikov D. S., Lokes K. P., Pronina O. M., Steblovskiy D. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
According to the literature data the odontogenic origin of maxillary sinusitis happens from 27 to 45% of all diseases of paranasal sinuses. The relationship between odontogenic infections and maxillary sinusitis is well established in modern medicine. Roots of the upper molars are usually extremely close to or in direct contact with the maxillary sinus floor. It is believed that the breach of the Schneiderian membrane owing to microbial incursion in periapical infections, periodontal disease or iatrogenic factors increases the risk of maxillary sinusitis. The progress of a periapical lesion in maxillary molars can cause rise to inflammatory changes in the mucosal lining of the maxillary sinus and subsequently, the development of odontogenic sinusitis. The treatment of chronic odontogenic sinusitis contains the combination of therapeutic and surgical methods. There are two main types of surgical component that are used in maxillofacial clinic.The aim of the study was the analysis of difference between using of classic radical sinusotomy by Caldwell-Luc and low-invasive endoscopic sinusotomy. Object and methods of the study. It was retrospective analyzed the case histories of patients of maxillofacial department of Poltava State Clinical Hospital from 2017 till 2018 years. The result of study. Patients with odontogenic maxillary made up the 23,7% of all patients with maxillofacial pathology of different origin. The number of male patients was 67%, female – 33%. That corresponds to literature data. There was no significant difference in age of patients (from 19 till 68 years). According to data of maxillofacial department the term of hospitalization of patients who have got the radical sinusotomy by Caldwell-Luc was 6+0,7 days, that was more that in case of low-invasive endoscopic sinusotomy (4+0,3 days). It was noted 2 cases of secondary hospitalization for patients who got the classic radical sinusotomy in the term of 1 year. Such cases were not noted at low-invasive endoscopic sinusotomy. Conclusions. The analysis of the obtained data suggested that the using of endoscopic method of maxillary sinusotomy at chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis prevents the formation of after operation complication and minimized the risk of secondary re-operation.
sinusotomy, surgical methods of treatment, odontogenic maxillary sinusitis.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 93-96 pages, index UDK 616.216.1-002-072.1-089