About the author:
Titarenko V. M., Pastukhova V. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Thermal tissue damage, denaturation of proteins and oxidation of fatty acids leads to the production of toxic secondary metabolic products. The level of their education can be quantified and correlated with the dynamics of structural disorders of organs and tissues, which is especially important for the evaluation of reparative processes, in particular, against the background of pharmaco-correction.The purpose of the study is to investigate the metabolic changes in the cerebral adrenal gland, to evaluate the effect of mannitol and quercetin on the level of biochemical changes in the body and their recovery. Depending on the purpose and objectives of the study, the animals were divided into 5 experimental groups: group 1 – control group of intact rats; group 2 – experimental group of rats, who were simulated local thermal burn; group 3 – experimental group of rats, who modeled a thermal burn and injected mannitol; group 4 – experimental group of rats, who modeled a thermal burn and injected quercetin; group 5 – experimental group of rats, which were administered a combination of mannitol and quercetin after simulating the thermal burn. After 3, 7, 14, 21, and 30 days after burn, the left and right adrenal glands were collected for biochemical examination. To evaluate metabolic disorders in the adrenal medulla on the background of thermal defeat, the following indicators were selected: the level of production of TBC-active products - secondary metabolites reacting with thiobarbituric acid; level of concentration of diene conjugates - products of peroxide oxidation of fatty acids; concentration level of carbonyl groups; the concentration of free SH-groups, the main representative is glutathione. The results of the research indicate that metabolic disorders of the cerebrospinal fluid of the adrenal gland on the background of thermal burns are characterized by a sharp production of secondary metabolic products of peroxidation, which, by their metabolic characteristics, are cytotoxic and cause secondary damage to cells against the background of thermal damage. Progressives of oxidative stress reactions in the first 7 days after burn, which gradually decrease in the following terms. Acute period of lesion is characterized by active involvement of endogenous antioxidants in peroxidation reactions, which is confirmed, in particular, at the level of free low molecular weight carriers of SH-groups. At the same time, dysmetabolic disorders do not complete their development, as evidenced by the high level of total protein in the adrenal gland tissue, which in our opinion is a manifestation of reactive compensatory changes in the gland in stress.
burn, adrenal medulla, metabolism, quercetin, mannitol
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 212-216 pages, index UDK 591.445:616-007.9+615.832