About the author:
Kocherzhat O. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The European system of education in the context of Ukrainian one is aimed at the formation and development of students as subjects of the educational process and aims at their self-development and self-actualization. To increase the efficiency and significance of self-training of students an individual independent work is designed. According to the working curriculum of clinical disciplines for students of higher medical educational institutions of IIІ-IV accreditation levels, various types of independent work are introduced, such as participation in the scientific researches of the department, participation in conferences in the form of publication of abstracts or reports, duty in hospital, participation in operations. Independent work is a type of mental activity that allows the student to independently process a practical question, a topic, solve a situational task based on knowledge obtained from textbooks, books, lectures, practical or seminative classes. The teacher takes direct part in the organization of students independent work, creating the appropriate conditions or forming factors that act in the educational process and affect the process of learning itself and its outcome. All methodological support, which is constantly being developed by the departments, includes the structure and content of the training course, plans for training sessions, recommendations for the organization of students independent work, reflects the timing of individual tasks and forms of knowledge control. For the organization of independent work on disciplines «Internal medicine, including infectious diseases and epidemiology, clinical pharmacology» the following principles are used: the regulation the time and amount of all independent tasks; providing conditions for students independent work and managing this work. The organization and providing of the necessary conditions for students independent work is important in the preparation of a highly skilled specialists who can implement himself both in practical medicine and in scientific activity.
independent work, Bologna process, medicine.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 223-225 pages, index UDK 378.147+614.253.4