About the author:
Razumnyi R. V., Fastovets O. O., Matvyeyenko R. Yu.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The number of students of English-language form of teaching in medical universities is increasing. It demands optimization and adaptation of the educational process. So, in 2016, in SI «DMA», in the specialty «Dentistry» 30 persons studied in English, then in 2017 – already 128, and in 2018 – 134. That is, in the last three years, the number of English-speaking students has increased in 4.5 times. This article is devoted to the most discursive problem at the present stage of the development of medical education, which is the role of lectures in the educational process, in particular, in the teaching of dental disciplines to English-speaking students. The aim of the work is to consider the methodical peculiarities of organization of lectures to English-speaking foreign students, studying in the specialty «Dentistry», on specialized departments. The main part. The article reviews the significance of the main functions of lectures – information, explanation, systematization – in the educational process of English-speaking students. It was given experience of using different methodical techniques for activating students’ cognitive activity during the lecture on stomatological discipline. It is noted that now the informative function of the lecture acquires an authentic character, which consists in the ability to communicate to the student information about the results of scientific and practical research carried out at the department; to express own opinion on new technologies and methods of treatment, to share experience of their use. The preliminary familiarization with the subject of the lecture helps to increase the effectiveness of understanding the material. According to the results of the final control of knowledge by testing after the lecture which was conducted among 60 English-speaking students, it was established that the level of assimilation of information provided during the lecture for the prepared audience increased on 42.0%. The necessity of the discrete character of the lecture, in which every statement should be illustrated by the clinical material as much as possible, is emphasized. To ensure the maximum level of learning the material, it is also necessary to control the obligatory writing of notes. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this form of the organization of the lecture, the study was conducted among 77 English-speaking students using the testing methodology. According to the results it was obtained that the percentage of correct answers immediately after the lecture, without writing the notes, amounted to only 18.0%, with guided writing of notes – 46.0%, one week after the presentation without the use of the notes – 68.0%, while using the notes – 92.0%. Among the features of working with English-speaking foreigners is the need for additional micro-lectures during tutoring, which is built on the principle of discussion. Their purpose is controlling the correctness of the interpretation and assimilation of certain concepts, techniques, algorithms, etc. Conclusions. The lecture remains a leading organizational and methodological basis for all forms of educational activity of the student, although it requires certain methodological peculiarities in the teaching of dental disciplines in English-speaking students. The main function of the lecture is changed from the informative to the set-up, aimed at systematization and generalization. Regarding the methodology of the lecture on dentistry should have a discrete character, in which each statement has to be fixed by the student in the notes, and during the lecture be maximally illustrated with clinical material.
higher dental education, English-language form of teaching, methodical approaches, lecture
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 230-232 pages, index UDK 616.31: 378.093.5: 378.147.31–057.87: 811.111