About the author:
Nefodova O. O., Azarov O. I., Shatorna V. F., Rudenko K. M., Pridyus I. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Increasing the level of anthropogenic pollution of the environment by heavy metals, which is toxic to all living organisms, is one of the important problems of our time. Scientific data on the influence of heavy metals on the overall course of embryogenesis and organogenesis is insufficient, and the highlights of the research are controversial and not subject to comparison because of the large difference in doses, methods of administration, etc. The ability of the body to accumulate heavy metals is realized at different levels: cellular, tissue and organ, which is connected, first of all, with the ability to accumulate metals in various tissues and organs, as well as the existence of protective mechanisms limiting the migration of heavy metals. All of the foregoing suggests the need to study the influence of cadmium salts on the course of embryogenesis at different stages of development under the influence of heavy metals. The aim of the study: was to experimentally determine the effects of low doses of cadmium citrate and cadmium chloride on the overall course of embryogenesis and to determine the level of cadmium accumulation in the rat embryo organs when intragastric administration of the test substances in a dose of 1.0 mg/kg to pregnant females throughout the entire period of pregnancy. According to generally accepted instructions for carrying out experimental embryonic studies, solutions of cadmium citrate and cadmium chloride were administered to the female enterally through the probe once a day, at the same time, from the first day of pregnancy, on the 13th and 20th day of pregnancy, an operative slaughter. Indicators of embryotoxicity were determined from calculations of mean values of the number of fruits per 1 female, total embryonic mortality, preimplantation and post implantation deaths of embryos. The obtained results were processed by the method of variation statistics. The probability of statistical research was evaluated using the t-criterion of the Student. Part of the embryos was frozen for measuring the content of metals (cadmium and zinc) in embryonic samples by the method of polyelement analysis by atomic emission with electric arch atomization. The analysis of the results showed that there is a fairly different embryotoxic effect in the groups of exposure to cadmium citrate and cadmium chloride. In both groups of cadmium exposure, a significant decline in the number of live embryos in both 13 days and 20 days of pregnancy and in the increase in total embryonic mortality compared with the control group is determined. The embryotoxicity of cadmium chloride is significantly higher than of cadmium citrate, which manifests itself in a significant reduction in the number of live embryos and in an increase in overall embryonic mortality due to overwhelming mortality of embryos in the post-implantation period. The use of polyelements analysis has shown that cadmium accumulation in the kidneys of 20-day embryos is more likely to occur with exposure to cadmium citrate, which overcomes the placental barrier and is retained in the body’s tissues rather than cadmium chloride
cadmium citrate, cadmium chloride, embryogenesis, embryotoxicity
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 253-257 pages, index UDK 616.61:591.3:546.48:612.6