Gandzyuk V. A.


About the author:

Gandzyuk V. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The most common non-communicable diseases are leading to enormous economic losses, and the price of inactivity in the fight against these diseases by 2030 may amount to 47 trillion United States dollars, which is about 75% of the global gross domestic product. The purpose of the work is to analyze the world and domestic experience in developing preventive management technologies and health strategies that exist today. The object of the study was the prevention technologies, research methods – literary study, retrospective analysis, comparison and modeling. Research results and their discussion. Changes in the functioning of the industry (sector reform, taking into account the challenges of the medical services market, signing declarations with the primary link of the provision of medical services) has not yet led to a systemic transformation of the health care system, more precisely, as its preventive component. The experience of most countries shows that the implementation of scientifically grounded preventive and curative measures can reduce mortality from NCD in two or more times in 15-20 years. At the same time, the contribution of preventive measures, which are less costly than medical ones, results in more than 50% success. It is the implementation of a population strategy that depends more on the non-medical component, and the desired result can be expected only when the population reacts with changes in behavior and lifestyle. Conclusions. Creation of a single information space on the prevention of diseases is possible by modernizing the existing network of health centers through the direction of informational and methodological support of explanatory work in health care institutions, especially the primary link providing medical care to the population, and the introduction of individual information-explanatory preventive work using modern technical solutions. The prophylactic direction of the fight against NCD should be based on the implementation of mass screening and individual prophylactic programs in target groups of the population, forming a habit for a healthy lifestyle and reorienting health care to work with healthy people. The prospects for further research are the scientific substantiation, development and further implementation of the advanced prevention management model in the health facilities, at all organizational and legal levels – from the management body to the individual physician.


non-communicable disease prevention, management, prevention management model, burden of NCDs


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 279-282 pages, index UDK 614.2+616-084