About the author:
Shevchuk V. I., Yavorovenko O. B., Beliayeva N. M., Storozhuk L. O., Kurylenko I. V
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of this work was to study the condition of medical and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in Ukraine. Object and methods of investigation. Based on data from 24 regions of Ukraine and Kiev, monitoring of the activities of medical and social expert commissions, the quality of the formation of individual rehabilitation programs, the status of their implementation, the results of repeated examinations of persons with disabilities, and the indicators of the effectiveness of rehabilitation for 2016-2018 were carried out. In order to evaluate the results of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, indicators of complete, partial and total rehabilitation were used. Used methods: monographic, statistical, structural-logical analysis. Results. The conducted analysis shows that in 2016 medical and social expert commissions of Ukraine have formed 510 641 individual rehabilitation programs for persons with disabilities (97.8% of all examined by commissions, in 2017 and in 2018 – 98.1% and 97.7% respectively). The main service in the section of medical rehabilitation intended for persons with disabilities was restorative therapy (it was over 96 percent), reconstructive surgery and orthotics were significantly smaller. In 2016 the fully implemented recommendations of expert commissions were in 39.4% of cases, in 2017 – 44.38%, in 2018 – 43.96%. In 2016 the disability group was confirmed in 97.8% of cases, in 2017 – 85.96%, in 2018 – at 85.52%. The indicator of complete rehabilitation in 2016 amounted to 2.2 per 100 examined by commissions, in 2017 – 2.07, in 2018 – 1.94, indicating a negative dynamics. The indicator of partial rehabilitation in 2016 was 16.0 per 100 examined by commissions, in 2017 – 16.13, in 2018 – 17.21, indicating a decrease in the severity of disability. Conclusions. During the monitoring process the discrepancy between the volume of rehabilitation measures and the results of their implementation was revealed, which indicates the problems that are on the way to improving the rehabilitation process and reducing the number of people with special needs in society, among which the absence of the concept of medical rehabilitation of Ukrainian citizens, the program of development of medical rehabilitation institutions, necessity of substantiation of the stage of the rehabilitation process, standardization of the technology of rehabilitation at various illnesses, improvement of work of centralized bank data in question disability, improvement for perform control of individual rehabilitation program.
medical and social rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation, persons with disabilities, the organization and efficiency rehabilitation.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 286-289 pages, index UDK 616-036.865(477)