About the author:
Garmash O. V
Type of article:
Scentific article
The paper presents the data on a survey of parents of 82 children or adolescents at the age of 4.5-17 years who were born with a fetal macrosomia (Main Group) and children of the corresponding age with normal birth weight (41 persons), who comprise the Comparison Group. Participants in the Main Group are further divided into 4 subgroups, taking into account the weight-height index of the newborn child. The questionnaire, which we have developed, allows us to assess the degree of risk of pathology of periodontal tissues and of hard tooth tissues associated with perinatal pathology in the past history, heredity, oral hygiene, the constitution of the child, concomitant pathology, harmful habits, drug therapy, nutrition and physical load on the children and adolescents whose birth rates were higher than normal. Сonclusions. Children and adolescents who were born macrosomic have significantly more complaints about dental health than children with normal weight-height parameters at birth. The influence of level of oral hygiene, bad habits, medical therapy, the nature of the nutrition and physical activity of the child on these complains was not confirmed (no reliable differences at the level of groups or subgroups were observed). The children and adolescents who were born with signs of fetal obesity (Subgroup 3 and Subgroup 4) had high risks of developing of periodontal tissue and hard tooth tissue pathology as compared to others. It was observed that the number of complaints on dry mouth in macrosomic children outweighs that number in all other subgroups. The children who at the time of birth had a harmonious (well-balanced) development (Subgroup 1) had the smallest percentage of the number of complaints on the state of somatic health, three times higher the percentage of premature eruption of deciduous teeth, a higher percentage of cases of high intensity of deciduous teeth caries than the children in the Comparison Group. The macrosomic children who had a large body length and a relatively low body weight at birth (Subgroup 2) had type 1 diabetes more often than all participants in the study, and authentically more often than in the Comparison Group. These children had the highest percentage of cases of delay in tooth eruption, and the smallest percentageof cases of premature deciduous teeth eruption. They have a tendency to have bleeding gums, they are complaining about the presence of brucxism more often than all participants in the study. The macrosomic-at-birth children, who at the time of birth had a large body length and intrauterine obesity (Subgroup 3), have pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and have mouth breathing authentically more often than the children in the Comparison Group. The percentage of children with high caries intensity in these subgroup is significantly higher than that in the Comparison Group. In macrosomic-at-birth children, who had an average body length and intrauterine obesity (Subgroup 4), violations that indicate connective tissue dysplasia are observed most often than in all participants in the study. These children have allergic diseases authentically more often than the children in the Comparator Group. The percentage of mouth breathing in these children is higher than in other participants in the study. They are “leaders” in the percentage of cases of dentoalveolar abnormalities among all participants in the study.
questionnaire, fetal macrosomia, dental status, somatic pathology.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 298-304 pages, index UDK 616.314.17- 008.1- 085: 618.3- 053.1- 071.