Kaminska M. V., Rozhko M. M.


About the author:

Kaminska M. V., Rozhko M. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


This article demonstrates the results of therapy in patients affected by chronic periodontitis from the polluted with xenobiotics region. The patients were administered with osteothropic agent «CalcimineAdvance», enter-sorbent «Cylix», antiseptics «Cholosal gel» and «Stomatidin». There is clear evidence regarding the periodontal indexes for periodontal assessment during the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis as they reflect the state of periodontium and can be used at different stages of management to monitor the progress of clinical parameters over a period of time as well as for the correction of the appointed therapy if needed. The aim of research: to investigate procession of clinical indexes at different terms in patients with chronic periodontitis after the appointed treatment and to assess the introduced therapy of chronic periodontitis in those affected with xenobiotics. Objective and methods. We have examined 30 patients diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis of I-II degree from the ecological polluted region and 34 individuals from the conditionally clean zone. The basic periodontal examination was conducted by estimation of oral hygiene index of Fedorov-Volodkina, PMA-index, periodontal index of Russell, bleeding index and pocket charts. All patients were divided into two groups according to the appointed treatment. There were 32 patients in group I diagnosed with chronic periodontitis that were administered with a conventional therapy: «Metragil-Denta», «Happylor», «Vitrum Osteomag» and general periodontal treatment. There were 32 patients in group II also affected by chronic periodontitis and their treatment was conducted by the recommended method: osteothropic agent «Calcimine-Advance», enter-sorbent «Cylix», antiseptics «Cholosal gel» and «Stomatidin» together with general periodontal treatment. The efficiency of the presented management was assessed by the dynamic of clinical indicators over a period of time as follows: before the treatment, immediately after the treatment, in 6 and 12 months after the completed therapy. The results of clinical investigations suggest that the recommended complex treatment of chronic periodontitis has proved to be highly beneficial and caused disappearance of periodontal inflammation directly and at distant terms. The success of therapy is proved by a significant decrease of some periodontal indexes that show arrest of pathological process. Even at early stages the findings demonstrated better outcome in patients treated by our introduced method in comparison with a traditional management. There was a stabilization observed in periodontal tissue of the patients from both groups after 6 months. During the process the patients with chronic periodontitis have experienced better general well being and relief of periodontal symptoms. The data demonstrates definite decrease of PAM-index, bleeding index, index of Russell, oral hygiene index and decreased probing depth despite on the region of examination. However, there was worsening in periodontal tissues detected 12 months after the treatment according to some indicators, although the data shows a certain difference with the indexes before the treatment that indicates extension of the remission. The comparison of both recommended and traditional therapy show the statistically certain difference of PMA-index, bleeding index, index of Russell and oral hygiene index. Conclusion. The findings of clinical examination demonstrate the inflammation free periodontal tissue detected shortly after the appointed complex therapy as well as a significant decrease of oral hygiene index, bleeding index, PMA-index, periodontal index of Russell and decreased probing depth of periodontal pockets. The duration of remission has also extended. The comparison of the results gained after the recommended therapy indicates that there was expressive regression of periodontal inflammation thus the time of the treatment can be reduced.


complex treatment, chronic periodontitis, efficiency of therapy, index assessment, recommended method.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 308-313 pages, index UDK 546.48+546.173+616-008.9+616.314-002.4+616.31-085