About the author:
Kaskova L. F., Popik K. M., Ulasevych L. P., Yanko N. V
Type of article:
Scentific article
Carious lesions used to be recorded even in ancient times and still remain the main problem of the present. Caries of teeth in children appears on the background of certain changes in tooth hard tissues and changes in homeostasis of oral fluid. An important role is given to the acid resistance of tooth enamel in children at different ages, due to its mineralization and de-remineralization processes that flow throughout life and associated with the remineralizing properties of the oral fluid. According to this, there is a need for a more detailed study of the param-eters of acid resistance of tooth enamel and the mineralizing potential of oral fluid in school-age children, taking into account their dental status, which is the purpose of our study. Objects and methods of the research. Totally 412 children aged from 6 to 16 years old who visited organized children’s groups of Poltava were examined. The dental survey was carried out according to the generally accepted methodology. In all children the intensity of caries was evaluated according to the DMFT, DMF + dmf indices. The mineralization potential of the oral fluid was evaluated according its microcrystallization (PA Leus, 1977). The evaluation of microcrystallization was carried out according to Kh.M. Saifulina, O.R. Pozdieiev. In order to determine the resistance of tooth enamel to caries a test of enamel resistance by Okushko VR, Kosareva LI was used. Results of the research and their discussion. The average index of acid resistance of the enamel in children of different school age had no significant difference. In each age period, this parameter was within the moderate resistances of the enamel to the caries. In each age group children were divided into those who had caries and the others with intact teeth. The average index of acid resistance was always better in children without caries, regardless their age. Children of 6, 7, 8, 9 years had a “moderate” index of acid resistance. Meanwhile children aged from 10 to 16 years had “high” index of resistance. Children who had carious lesions in all age periods had moderate resistance, while at 6 years age the acid resistance of tooth enamel was reduced. However, figures are always better in children with intact teeth. Thus, in all investigated cases the acid resistance of the enamel is always higher in children without caries. The research in the group of children aged between 6 and 16 years showed that 30.8% of children had “high resistance”, 59.2% “moderate” and 10.0% had “reduced” index of resistance. The mineralizing potential of oral fluid in children of different age groups had no significant difference. The research of groups of children with caries and intact teeth revealed a significant reduction of the investigated index in children with caries, regardless their age (p <0,05). This creates an additional adverse conditions for children from the point of the formation of tooth resistance. The mineralizing potential of oral fluid in children of 6-9 years old with caries corresponded to a “low” level and “satisfactory” for the group of children without caries. The same situation was observed in children aged between 10 and 13 and between 14 and 16 years, but the figures increase with age. Very low mineralizing potential of oral liquid had 2 children aged 6 to 9 years which represents 6.9% of the examined participators of this age. Low mineralization potential was found in 67.6% of children, “satisfactory” – 37.1%, “high” – 4.0%, “very high” – 1.1%. At the age of 10-13, the investigated index slightly changed. “Very low” value was not un registrated, “low” – 57.8%, “satisfactory” – 32%, “high” – 8.6%, “very high” – 1.6%. At 14-16 years age group “very low” and “very high” values of the index were not detected, and “low” was observed in 64.2% of the subjects of this age, “satisfactory” – 24.8%, high – 11%. Conclusions. Thus, caries in children of all investigated age groups appears and develops on the background of lowering values of acid resistance of tooth enamel index and the mineralizing properties of the oral fluid. This fact should be taken into account while carrying out any preventive measure in these children. The lowest acid resistance of the enamel have children of 6 years old with caries. This category of children require special attention of parents and stomatologists. The obtained data determines the necessity of identifying the risk factors of caries occurrence in children. Particularly, the evaluation of the acid resistance of tooth enamel and the mineralizing ability of the oral fluid in order to account the volume of manipulation, aimed on increasing of the resistance of tooth hard tissues.
children, teeth, caries, acidity of enamel, mineralizing potential of oral liquid
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 313-317 pages, index UDK 616.314.13:616.316-053.2