About the author:
Flis P. S., Tsyzh O. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Purpose: to develop an orthodontic appliance to improve the efficiency of open bite treatment by reducing the timing of treatment, eliminating functional and morphological disorders, and improving facial aesthetics. Methods: observations 37 children aged 8 to 12 years who were on orthodontic treatment in the clinic of the department of orthodontics and propaedeutics of orthopedic stomatology of the O. Bogomolets NMU. The first group (the main one) consisted of 17 patients with open bite for which the device we proposed was manufactured. The second group, the comparison, consisted of 20 patients with open bite treated with standard orthodontic equipment. Results: during two years, comparative appliance treatment for open-bite patients aged 8 to 12 years was conducted. For treatment, standard orthodontic devices were used and proposed by us, a new orthodontic appliance that takes into account the inclination of the frontal group of teeth. In the course of treatment, the use of the orthodontic apliance we offered for the treatment of patients with open bite gave a positive result in 14 (82.3%) patients; in 2 (11.7%) patients, after 18 months of treatment, improvement was observed but not achieved complete interconnection ratio, no result – in 1 (6%) cases. The results of the treatment showed that the less the patient’s age, the shorter the treatment period. Thus, in children 8-10 years of treatment terms 1.3 times shorter than in patients 10-12 years, the terms of treatment of the whole major group in comparison with the group of 1.5 times are reduced in general. The conclusion: the proposed orthodontic appliance for treatment of open bite with protrusion of the upper and retrusion of the lower frontal teeth gave a high percentage of positive results of treatment. The use of this design reduces the timing of treatment and avoids complications. The observed observation indicates that the orthodontic appliance is more effective at the early stages of the mixed bite period. This makes it possible to achieve stable treatment outcomes and avoid recurrence. So using the proposed design gives a high percentage of positive treatment outcomes, reduces the timing of treatment and avoids complications.
open bite, orthodontic treatment, orthodontic appliance
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 332-336 pages, index UDK 616.314.26-007.26-089.23-76