About the author:
Halchenko A., Pohorilko O., Voloshin V., Hryn K., Lukyanchenko O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Migration is a complex social process that affects different aspects of human socio-economic life. All types of migration lead to stress, a sense of loss that has certain consequences. The peaks of global forced migration as a result of persecution, military conflicts, and human rights abuses have reached their peak since World War II. According to the Ministry of Social Policy, as of January 2019, the number of registered displaced persons was 1 million 512 thousand. Scientific studies confirm that migration, and especially forced ones, is a factor in the development of mental disorders. An analysis of the literature indicates that the consequences of hostilities in our country are only gaining momentum. Despite intensive research activities by experts from different countries of the world, involvement of scientific, economic, socio-political and other resources in its solution, the problem of the consequences of forced resettlement through hostilities in the conflict zone in Ukraine remains far from resolved. Forced resettlement is a contributing factor for the emergence of maladaptive conditions, borderline pathology such as anxiety-depressive disorders, PTSD, psychosomatic disorders, and can also be a contributing factor for endogenous mental illness such as schizophrenia. In addition to the factor of forced displacement, other factors are also taken into account: socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender and educational level), the number of potentially traumatic experiences before the war, active combat experience of war, the number of potentially traumatic experiences during the war, the time since the most traumatic event, the number of potentially traumatic post-war experiences, marital status and employment status. The transition from one environment to another can be considered a crisis, a risk factor affecting doping patterns and mechanisms that can then become maladaptive. It is important to develop sound clinical and social methods for identifying displaced persons with maladaptive behaviors and mental disorders to provide them with adequate treatment and support.
migration, internally displaced persons, maladjustment, post-traumatic stress disorder, neurotic disorders
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 19-23 pages, index UDK 612.017.2+616.85]-02:314.15.045