About the author:
Pocherniaeva V. F., Zhukova T. O., Vasko L. M., Nestulia K. I., Sokolova N. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Under the influence of ionizing radiation, atoms and molecules of living cells become ionized, resulting in complex physical and chemical processes that affect the character of further human body functioning. As it is well known, not ionizing radiation, which causes DNA breaks, but induced by it strengthening the processes of free radical oxidation of lipids and biopolymers is ruinous for cell functioning. This paper highlights the mechanisms of the development of free radical-induced pathology under the exposure to ionizing radiation of personnel dealing with sources of ionizing radiation. The program of preventive measures described aims at curbing the development of free radical-induced pathology and includes measures to reduce hypoxia and to restore the activity of respiratory enzymes as well as detoxification and drainage therapy. A diet aimed at preventing radiation damage to the body, should include vitamins in sufficient quantities. Negative impact of their lack on the body resistance to ionizing radiation has been quite well known as well as an increase in their deficiency under the exposure to ionizing radiation. The most important specific mechanisms of the influence of vitamins, associated with the ability to inactivate free radicals and inhibit the processes of lipid peroxidation, are dramatically activated at the exposure to ionizing radiation. Thus, preventive programs must be implemented and strictly followed by anyone who is exposed to adverse environmental factors, and especially personnel working with sources of ionizing radiation. The study of the impact of ionizing research on personnel working in X-ray and radiotherapy units for the purpose of developing and implementing means and methods of protection is relevant and appropriate.
sources of ionizing radiation, free radical-induced pathology, рlant antihypoxants, detoxification and drainage therapy
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 63-65 pages, index UDK 615.849:614.253.5:576.3