About the author:
Nosivets D. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The effect of chondroitin sulfate on the manifestation of osteoarthritis due to hypothyroidism in experimental modeling of comorbid pathology (osteoarthritis and hypothyroidism) in rats was investigated in this work. It is known that the problems of comorbid pathology cover more and more specialists of different specialties. Recently, issues of the influence of thyroid gland failure on the state of the musculoskeletal system are increasingly being considered. According to modern guidelines for the treatment of these pathological conditions, it is expedient to appoint a basic substitution therapy and drugs that are aimed at the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis. Modern standards for the treatment of osteoarthritis (EULAR – European League Against Rheumatism, OARSI – Osteoarthritis Research Society International and ESCEO – The European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases) recommend the use of drugs with a symptom-modifying effect on bone and cartilage tissue, but the efficacy and safety of their administration against hypothyroidism is insufficient. The studies were performed on 80 white non-breeding rats of both sexes weighing 230-250 g. Experimental osteoarthritis was performed by single intra-articular administration of 0.1 ml of monoacetic acid solution in the knee joint, which was prepared at a rate of 3 mg of the reagent on 50 μl of sterile physiological saline. The model was verified using microscopy of the histological preparations of the knee joints of the rats and changes of the corresponding biochemical markers of the blood serum. Experimental hypothyroidism was reconstructed by enteral administration of a 0.02% solution of carbimazole, which was prepared at a rate of 5 mg per 250 ml of physiological solution and given with a drinking ration of animals for 6 weeks. The adequacy of the model was confirmed by the level of serum TSH, T3 and T4 in rats. After completion of the formation of experimental models from 42 days, a morphometric (macroscopic) evaluation of the joint condition was performed, variations in the threshold of pain sensitivity in the test of the epidermis stimulation of the tail and changes in the spontaneous behavioural activity of the animals were studied in the “open field” test, an assessment of biochemical parameters. Statistical data processing was performed using the Statistica 6.1 software package (StatSoftInc., Serial number AGAR909E415822FA) and included calculations of arithmetic mean values (M) and their errors (± m). The probability of the difference between the arithmetic mean (p) values of the indices was made using non-parametric – U-criterion Mann-Whitney. The determination of the probability of intragroup and intergroup differences was performed using the parametric t-criterion of the Student and the method of single-factor dispersion analysis (ANOVA). Differences were considered statistically significant at p≤0.05. Before the application of parametric criteria, a hypothesis was tested on a normal law of distribution of random variables. Based on obtained results, experimental osteoarthritis and hypothyroidism have led to an increase in the morphometric size of the affected joints, an increase in the threshold of pain sensitivity, inhibition of motor, research and vegetative activity of rats and changes in biochemical parameters of blood serum against inflammation background and degenerative-dystrophic process. Appointment of chondroitin sulfate contributes positively to the pathological changes due to the comorbid state, characterized by the restoration of the morphometric dimensions of the affected joints, the parameters of motor, research and vegetative activity of rats and biochemical parameters and restoration of the threshold of pain sensitivity. The obtained results substantiate the expediency of the appointment of chondroitin sulfate in osteoarthritis against the background of hypothyroidism and reflect the role of the drug in the treatment of pathological conditions.
osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, morphometry, open field, pain threshold, biochemical changes.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 161-165 pages, index UDK 616.61 – 615.017