Oklei D. V., Shtrygol’ S. Yu., Larianovska Yu. В.


About the author:

Oklei D. V., Shtrygol’ S. Yu., Larianovska Yu. В.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of glucosamine hydrochloride on hemostasiological disorders and the state of the vascular wall during regional thrombolysis with streptokinase in the acute phase of experimental venous thrombosis. Stenosis up to 1 sq. mm posterior vena cava below the confluence of the renal veins in rats causes expressive thrombosis of this vessel and its tributaries. Under the conditions of regional thrombolysis, streptokinase (150,000 IU/kg into the tail vein) has a pronounced fibrinolytic effect, which is histologically confirmed. It quickly destroys a blood clot, small fragments of which are located freely along the vascular wall, blood flow in the vessels is restored. After the administration of streptokinase, the thrombus area decreased by 3 times compared with that in the control group, and the vessel lumen area by 1.5 times. However, against the background of streptokinase use, edema of endothelial cells and disordered orientation of the nuclei of smooth muscle cells of the venous wall were observed, which is a predictor of endothelial dysfunction. Glucosamine hydrochloride (50 mg/kg intragastrically) does not enhance the thrombolytic effect of streptokinase, but prevents endothelial edema and disorientation of the venous wall myocyte nuclei, which may be associated with the protective effect of glucosamine on the vascular wall. The content of D-dimer in the blood plasma of untreated animals in the acute stage of thrombosis (after 30 minutes) does not undergo changes, streptokinase statistically significantly reduces it by 38.3%. Therefore, in the studied acute period of experimental thrombosis, an increase in the content of D-dimer in the blood of untreated rats is not a decisive diagnostic criterion. This situation may be due to the fact that the destruction of a blood clot in these animals after 30 minutes after modeling, thrombosis does not have time to occur. A decrease in the content of D-dimer in both groups of rats that received fibrinolytic therapy indicates a lesser degree of thrombosis, which is confirmed histologically. The results experimentally substantiate the feasibility of a combination of streptokinase with glucosamine hydrochloride to improve the quality of thrombolytic action in venous thrombosis.


glucosamine hydrochloride, streptokinase, regional thrombolysis, acute venous thrombosis, experiment.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 165-171 pages, index UDK 615.273.55:547.459.5:616.151.511: 615.015.21: 612.084