About the author:
Skrypnykov P. M., Bashtan V. P., Marchenko A. V., Skrypnikova T. P., Khmil T. A., Hurzhii O. V., Kolomiiets S. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In recent years, the Department of Postgraduate Education of Dentists of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy has been working over the thematic enhancement of the topical issues on odontopathology, parodontics, prevention of dental diseases, critical states, oncology in dentistry that are included into the various training courses. Multiple factors, namely, social, academic, research activity of the faculty members, affiliated medical facility, human resources, etc., are the prerequisites for their organization. During the training courses physicians-in-training are awarded credits, required for the implementation of the system of continuous professional education of healthcare professionals. Courses provide physicians with the opportunity to participate in certification procedure. Any form of courses (on-campus, online, at intervals, etc.) encompasses analytical assessment of a physician with regard to his/her specialization, clinical experience, progress of learning (including extracurricular lectures, master-classes, etc.), ability to implement the acquired knowledge, efficacy of acquisition of information and the rate of knowledge storage. Consequently, the paper is aimed at the analysis of the activity of the course program on the thematic enhancement «Topical issues of oncology in dentistry», that, currently, are crucial and have sufficient scientific and research foundation and practical support. Within one of the above training courses, the Department has made up the academic plan and syllabus on thematic enhancement «Topical issues of oncology in dentistry», where the key issues of theory and practice for each of them are highlighted. In addition there are scientific researches of the faculty members: - Structure of the Oncology Service of Ukraine. Epidemiology of malignant tumors. Clinical examination for the prevention and treatment of cancer patients and patients with precancerous diseases. - Methods of carrying out medical prophylactic examinations for the detection of precancerous diseases and early forms of malignant tumors. - Diagnosis of cancer of the maxillofacial area. Oncological alertness. - Malignant tumors, signs of malignant growth of tumors of the maxillofacial area. - Treatment of precancers, benign and malignant tumors, rehabilitation. Prognosis. - Prevention of cancer of the maxillofacial area. All the above issues are supplied with multimedia presentations that are based on the own clinical cases, video films, the data of ultrasound and X-ray examination, findings of cytological and histological tests, etc. During the classes physicians-in-training can participate in the in-patient and outpatient examinations and evaluate the outcomes of diagnostics and treatment.
thematic enhancement, a dentist, oncology, forms, methods.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 251-253 pages, index UDK 616.314-006:378:614.25