About the author:
Kalashnikov D. V., Korol D. M., Toncheva K. D., Kindiy D. D., Zubchenko S. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Modern dentistry cannot be imagined without the use of modern technologies, including both research methods and treatment methods. These include 3-D technology. 3D modeling is widely used for implantation, dental prosthetics with removable and non-removable structures, as well as in maxillofacial surgery. Computer modeling makes it possible to reduce the time of prosthetics, and most importantly, to demonstrate to the patient how his face can change after manipulations. The aim of the work is to analysis of the use of 3D technology in dental practice. Object and methods. Analyzed computer research methods and CAD/CAM-technologies in dental practice. Results. Computed tomography is the most common diagnostic method at the present stage of development of medicine in general and dentistry in particular. It provides an opportunity to study layers of any organ of the human body and obtain an image of layers from 0.5 to 10 mm. They can be planar, or bulk – 2-D and 3-D, respectively. A tomographic study provides comprehensive information about the state of bones and soft tissues of the maxillofacial region, and especially, that the detailing of the temporomandibular joint and maxillary sinuses is a very significant advantage of this method. In turn, computer modeling makes it possible to make orthopedic structures, to maximally match the patient’s natural teeth in form and functional characteristics, as well as evaluate the model of a dental prosthesis not only at the planning stage, but also in the adjacent form. 3D printing allows the manufacture of guides for dental implants, the production of physical models for prosthetics, orthodontics and surgery, the manufacture of dental, cranio-maxillofacial and orthopedic implants, as well as the making of copies and skeletons for implants and dental restorations. Despite significant interest by dentists in 3-D modeling and CAD/CAM, as well as their significant advantages, computer technologies are only gradually being introduced into dental practice, since there are certain problems along the way. Conclusion. Despite a number of shortcomings, computer technologies are being introduced into the practice of a modern dentist. They contribute to the possibility of providing quality qualified patient care, despite the clinical situation. Virtual technologies in modern dentistry are realized thanks to digital methods of research, namely computed tomography of organs and cavities of the maxillofacial area. The use of 3D images is an effective method in planning orthopedic treatment and dental implantation. CAD/CAM technologies are aimed at anatomical detailing and compliance of the orthopedic construction with the tissues of the prosthetic bed, regardless of its configuration (fixed, removable). Computer modeling will be useful when working with patients who have a pronounced gag reflex, difficulty opening the mouth and for patients with microstomy, since this technology is an alternative to removing the full anatomical impression and a more reliable method for the clinician, which allows him to fix the details of a hard and soft palate for making removable dentures. 3D modeling contributes to the proper installation of dental implants by making appropriate templates and reduces the risks of implantation after.
CAD/CAM-technology, 3-D modeling, dentistry, prosthetics.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 257-260 pages, index UDK 616.314-071