About the author:
Eroshenko G. A., Bilash S. M., Vilkhova O. V., Lisachenko O. D., Boruta N. V., Yachmin A. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The hard palate, which is the upper wall of the oral cavity itself, performs a number of important functions and is sensitive to the effects of various endo- and exogenous factors. As part of the lamina of the glandular zone, where the small salivary glands are located, the nerves pass from the pterygoid, which is the formation of the parasympathetic nervous system, and is connected to the 2nd branch of the trigeminal nerve. The question of the features of innervation of the glandular zone of the hard palate, on the condition of which depends the normal functional activity of the glands of the palate and the nature of the processes that take place in the oral cavity, has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of this work was to determine the peculiarities of the structural organization of the nerve apparatus of the glandular zone of the solid rat palate. Fragments of the glandular zone of the hard palate were embedded in epon-812. Serial semi-thin sections were made using an ultramicrotome and stained with a polychrome dye. Using a Biorex-3 VM-500T microscope with a DCM 900 digital camera with adapted programs, micrographs and morphometric studies were performed. In the distal part of the glandular zone, the main nerve trunk, which innervates the mucous membrane of the hard palate, is determined in the superficial layer of the submucosa along the central line. Outside the nerve was surrounded by groups of neurocytes, which formed clusters of elongated shape, surrounded by connective tissue capsules formed by thin expressed basophilic collagen fibers and fibroblast bodies. In the proximal direction from the main nerve trunk branches of the first order), which went in lateral directions. The first-order nerves, in turn, branched out into the second-order nerves, which were distributed in the superficial layers of the submucosal base over the groups of the pancreas. In the future, nerve conductors of smaller diameter went deep into the submucosa along the connective tissue layers between the individual pancreas. The intercostal nerves went to the bottom of the glands and branched into the stroma of the glands between the terminal divisions. Part of the branches of nerve conductors of the second order went to the excretory ducts of the palatine glands and penetrated into the peritoneal connective tissue. Thus, the structural maintenance of the innervation of the glandular zone of the rat hard palate has a complex organization, which is formed from the peripheral part of the glands and from the gate, providing regulation of the process of formation of primary saliva in the end-pieces and its watering in the ductal system. In the distal part of the glandular zone of the hard palate, clusters of neurocytes were found, which clutched the main nerve trunk.
glandular area of the hard palate, rats, nerves, neurocytes
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 291-294 pages, index UDK 616.315/.316:599.323.4