About the author:
Yeroshenko G. A., Bilash S. M., Pronina O. M., Koptev M. M., Yachmin A. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Nowadays, researchers are increasingly focusing on stress as a pathogenetic basis for diseases and finding ways to correct it. A considerable amount of work has been devoted to the morphological changes of the adrenal glands on the background of stress, while the effect of stress reactions on the structure of the kidneys has received much less attention. The nephroprotective effect of various pharmacological agents, which increase the body’s resistance to psychoemotional stress, is also poorly researched. The purpose of the study was to study the stress-protective effect of Mexidol on the rat’s kidney in experimental acute immobilization stress. The morphological study was performed on 30 white male rats. The control group consisted of 10 animals, group I – animals, that were exposed to acute immobilization stress without correction, group II included 10 rats, a model of acute immobilization stress in which was reproduced after intraperitoneal administration of the drug Mexidol. The model of acute immobilization stress was reproduced by fixing the animals in a supine position for 6 hours. In order to correct the rats of the respective experimental groups, Mexidol was administered intraperitoneally at a rate of 100 mg/kg body weight, 20 minutes before the start of the fixation period. Animals of group I in the cortical substance of the kidney of rats were observed to expand the lumen of the glomerular capsule. From the glomeruli observed dystrophic and atrophic changes, which were manifested by their shrinkage and increased optical density of nuclei and cytoplasm of podocytes. The capillaries of the glomeruli showed full blood and stasis. In histological examination of the rat kidney, which acute immobilization stress was modeled after intraperitoneal administration of the drug Mexidol in the renal corpuscles, the lumen of the capsule was slightly expanded, compared with animals in the control group. Dystrophic phenomena were not detected in podocytes. The hemocapillaries of the glomeruli were somewhat full-blooded. Mexidol has been shown to prevent stress-induced changes in renal tissue, which is manifested by the preservation of the histofunctional state of epitheliocytes of all nephron compartments, and prevents dystrophic changes and processes of desquamation of epithelial cells. However, there remained disturbances of blood perfusion in the exchange link of the hemomicrocirculatory bed around the renal little bodies and tortuous tubules.
acute immobilization stress, kidneys, rats, Mexidol
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 294-297 pages, index UDK 616.61:159.9