About the author:
Meditska A. K., Yeroshenko G. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In recent years, the interest of scientists and doctors have been caused by diseases and changes in the tongue, which acts not only as an organ that participates in the formation of food lumps, acts of swallowing, taste perception and speech, but is also a “mirror of the organism”. However, so far there is no single view of the leading pathogenetic chains of development of changes in the oral mucosa due to the presence in the oral cavity of orthopedic structures, the use of which is fixed in 40% of the total number of dental patients. The use of removable dentures made of acrylic plastics can cause various complications in patients, and, in the first place, inflammatory reactive changes in the tissues of the prosthetic bed and various anatomical areas of the oral mucosa. The aim of the study was to determine the structural features of the mucous membrane of the tip of the rat tongue after the action of 1% ester of methacrylic acid. The study used 59 white outbred male rats. The control group consisted of 13 animals, experimental – 46, which were irrigated with oral mucosa with 1% methacrylic acid methyl ester for 30 days. Animal maintenance and manipulation was carried out in accordance with the Common Ethical Principles of Animal Experimentation, adopted by the First National Congress on Bioethics. After euthanasia of animals at 14 and 30 days, fragments of the mucous membrane of the tip of the tongue were embidded in epon-812 according to the conventional method. Semi-thin sections were stained with toluidine blue. Microphotography was performed using a Biorex-3 VM-500T microscope with a DCM 900 digital microphotograph with adapted research programs. Ultra-thin sections were made on an LKB-3 ultramicrotome (Sweden). Studied in an electron microscope TEM – 125 K (serial number 38-76, TU 25-07-871-70) at an accelerating voltage (50 – 75) kW. It is established that under the influence of 1% ester of methacrylic acid in the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the tip of the tongue of rats, differentiation processes are disturbed, which on the 14th day of the experiment is manifested by dystrophic changes of keratinocytes of the basal layer, widening of the intercellular slits in the spinosum and corneal layers, to 30th days of observation – the phenomena of hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis. In the own plate on the 14th day of the experiment morphological signs of hyperhydration of perivascular connective tissue, which were stored until the 30th day of the experiment, were established. Disorders of the microcirculation were manifested by uneven blood filling of the capacitive link of the hemomicrocirculatory bed, the opening of the gaps of the capillaries on the 14th day of the experiment. The recovery of the indicators was determined by the end of the observation period, which indicated a violation of blood perfusion under the action of 1% ester of methacrylic acid. On the 14th day of the study, massive mast cell degranulation occurs.
lingual mucosa, rats, 1% methacrylic acid ester
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 300-303 pages, index UDK 611.316:616.314-76