About the author:
Shcherba V. V., Machogan V. R., Nebesna Z. M., Korda M. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Periodontal diseases rank second in the world in dental diseases prevalence and tend to be widespread, regardless of patients’ age, gender, and place of residence. The rate of destruction of periodontal tissues in case of periodontitis depends on different factors, including anatomical and physiological features of the periodontium.The aim of our study was to investigate the structural changes of periodontal tissues in experimental periodontitis on the background of hypothyroidism. The study was conducted on 36 white male rats, which were divided into the following groups: I – control animals; ІІ – animals with the model of periodontitis; III – rats with periodontitis and hypothyroidism. Periodontal tissues were subjected to histological examination on the 22nd day of the study. In experimental periodontitis, reorganization of all structural components of the periodontium was established, which was manifested by changes in the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the gums, both free and areas of the furrow and attachment. An increase in the stratum corneum of the epithelium and a thickening of the prickly one were found. In the connective tissue of the gum, the signs of collagen degradation are determined against the background of disorganization. The reaction of the vascular bed was manifested by enlargement, hemorrhage of the veins and hemocapillaries, and narrowing of the lumens and thickening of the artery wall, which probably worsens the trophic cells of the epithelial plate, the connective tissue of the mucous membrane and is manifested by amphoric swelling. In case of periodontitis on the background of hypothyroidism destructive and necrotic changes of the epithelial and own plaque of the gums, periodontium, blood vessels, alveolar process and cement of the root of the tooth are established, which testifies to the suppression of the adaptive-compensatory and reparative processes and have irreversible processes.
periodontitis, hypothyroidism, periodontium, structural changes
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 314-319 pages, index UDK 616.314.17-008.1-091.8-06:616.441-008.64]-092.9